Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Magical Santa

 Christmas is a special time of year.  There are trees to decorate, wreaths to hang, cookies to make and Pictures with Santa to be taken. Even the craziness that I grew up in I remember the magic of Christmas knowing that Santa thought you were important enough to fill your stocking and put a gift or two under the tree. I would get so excited this time of the year decorating and buying people presents.  We always put lights and garland around the fire place, and my bedroom door, and even later on the shelves in my room.  The more lights and garland that I used the better I thought that it looked.  Oh, even now I remember it.  So tacky but still so awesome, I loved this season. 

There is just something special about this time of year, the innocence the delight, the lights the cold weather . That magic the wonder that a fat man and 8 reindeer are going to travel from the north pole and come to your house just for you.

This time comes every year and I see "that " Santa on peoples posts and my heart just explodes.  That man is everything magical that every child dreams of at Christmas.  Christmas is all about kindness and dreams and magic and making lists and circling toys in catalogs that we dream will be under our  tree.  Christmas is a special time of year in oh so many ways.  But this Santa this man is something that holds the preciousness of Christmas close to his heart. 

It was 2003, I was pregnant with Vincent and Mariska I had just a few weeks earlier found out it was twins and honestly still a little in shock yet was so very very happy.  This day is so clear, We were on the top floor looking down and I saw him this Santa clause with his white beard and big ol' belly and the tears started to flow.  I was going to be a mom and I was so very excited, Vincent and Mariska were all that mattered and seeing Santa with all those little kids was so awesome.  I knew that soon I would get to share those magic moments with my own children and it was overwhelming.  There was few things I ever connected with in my life but this Santa was another one of them.  He was everything perfect and true and real and I was going to be that for my kids.  So I took that time staring over the balcony in awe of this amazing man and in awe that I had these two precious babies growing and giving me hope.  There was a peace when I was pregnant in all things true and real and it was Miraculous honestly.  So I spent that hour or so watching him so excited for the many years of Santa that would be ahead.

Then that following year , Vincent and Mariska were almost 8 months old and again we were in the mall.    Oh goodness we had absolutely no money between diapers and the things that two babies needed there was nothing.  The mall was pretty empty, and there he was right in front of us, as soon as I saw him I started to cry, remember watching him over the balcony about a year ago then holding my sweet amazing babies as I stood there right in front of him.  We just were going to take a picture on our own there wasn't even money for a picture for Santa.  I didn't care it was the experience and getting to share my children with Santa, not any Santa but This Santa, that sounds kinda crazy but so true.  I stood outside the little gate and he told my mom so softly, not to have the kids face him so they wouldn't get scared.His kindness, his heart radiates all over him, and I stood there watching him holding my children with tears rolling down my face.  And it was like that moment in The Gathering when he says "It's really happening, Its really happening!"  And that's all that was going through my head, the magic of Santa, the magic of my children and This is really happening, Really happening to me.  I could not have been any happier.  And Santa asked my mom "oh why is she crying," but just how he looked at me, it was a connection something real that is honestly beyond any words I could write.  And he told the woman to take pictures and give them to us.  I put my hand on my heart and said thank you, there was an understanding and I will never forget in that moment.  It was pure Magic, pure kindness pure amazing..   That man was something special something so different.  He has the heart honestly not of this world, there is something different he has a kindness and understanding beyond what a person can imagine.   He is something so very special and I am not sure if we are going to get to see him this year, but I have those memories and I heart his heart.

Here is that picture of the very first year :

Merry Christmas my friends.  Enjoy every second .
Love ME