Sunday, February 25, 2018

State of the world : But just mine

There are so many things that I want to say.  I am so much better but things are not fine.  And others want them to be fine and you can fight for it but you just never know, you long for the day when fine , great will stay.  Such a roller coaster. I am so much better, but still such a long way to go. <3 Someday.

What It Feels Like to Be in 'Partial' Depression Recovery

In the middle of a depressive episode, all I want is to find medication that helps (without unbearable side effects). As long as I’m in that black hole, there is no point in therapy, because I’m too depressed to even be aware of what is being said. I don’t care, and I don’t want to care. Forget diet, exercise, yoga or meditation. Those things aren’t going to do me any good without the solid foundation of the right medications. And as long as I’m severely depressed, that will be all I am thinking about, and hoping for. Relief. Just a tiny bit of relief.
But the battle doesn’t end with the right medications for me — it begins there. The relief can seem short-lived as the reality sets in — there is so much work left to be done. Self-care doesn’t come in a pill, it requires you to work for it, and never give up. Medication doesn’t eliminate bad days, it just gives you back the potential for good ones. And ultimately, I’m never fully recovered. I’m always in the process of recovery, because that is what it is — a process.
On a good day with depression, I feel productive and alive. But that’s not most days. Most days are a mix of feeling “better” but not “well.” Being tired, anxious and still depressed. But better. Yet somehow I feel just as broken. Not alive enough, not good enough, just not enough. I’m grateful, for that part of me that seems less broken. But I’m angry and sad for the part of me that still hurts. I’m frustrated that I can’t just “be normal.” Completely normal. The kind of normal everyone else seems to be.
Partial recovery gives me just enough breathing room to try all of those self-care tips that show up — but it doesn’t mean they will work. I still feel broken. I still feel like I’m not enough, and I never will be. And I feel alone, because surely no one else feels this way. I must be the only one. The only one who can’t get themselves together and just “get over it.”

Partial recovery can be a dangerous thing. It can leave you feeling more hopeless. “Is this as good as it gets?” Feeling “better” can leave you feeling lost and confused. Shouldn’t I just be grateful to have any relief? I was desperate for anything, and now I have it. Shouldn’t I be grateful? Why am I still so broken?

In truth, there is no good answer. There is no quick fix. Depression requires trial and error, effort, sacrifice and strength that almost always seems in short supply. It requires time and dedication. And sometimes, it means living with that sense of brokenness and knowing that one day it can get better. But how? How do we learn to live in the grey area of not-as-bad but still not-good-enough. This is the danger zone so rarely talked about in the mental health community. What happens when you’re better, but still not OK?
It’s an uneasy feeling which can last days, weeks or in some cases, years. For some of us, it seems it will never change. We will surely be stuck in the grey zone of partial recovery forever. We get mad at ourselves for being ungrateful, and not working harder to be even better. We tell ourselves that it is all our fault. We don’t know what to do. What do we do?
We keep going, keep fighting — even when it feels impossible. We remember that we are no alone, we are never alone. We are in pain and afraid, but we are not broken. We are strong — stronger than we know. So we keep going. Because partial recovery is something. And something, is a start.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

You can't even compare the two

It all started with Didn't you ever feel like that at that age ?   I was stunned and turned around and asked what ?  She said it again clear as day and I was absolutely beyond belief they two worlds aren't even on the same universe same planet and it hurt.  I know my children don't have it easy but comparing their feelings to mine growing up that just isn't OK , there was anger hurt rage all at the same time.  It's in these moments that I realize she doesn't have a sense of what it was like for me growing up in that house.  Comparing how I grew up to anything is pointless.  And the comment kind of ripped my heart out, and left me gasping for air.  I know and realize all the time that the things that my children have to live with are more than hard and they will also have different things to deal with as they grow up.  The problem is in the comparing.  I felt the things that I did because terrible awful things were happening to me and no one as fighting for me, no one saw me and no one stepped up to help a little girl who was slowly dying inside.  Each night, each rape took more of her soul and those are things I can never get back. Things are different for my children its just me ans I will forever be sorry.  Everyday I see them I am aware and willing to fight and do whatever it takes to make them safe.  There is no sweeping anything under the carpet.  We are strong together.  The three of us are a team.  I didn't have a team It was me fighting for myself saying my prayers and wanting to die.  That kind of life can not be compared.  Her words were a clue on how much she doesn't connect, on the things that she can't understand.  Sometimes things hit you more than hard and this was huge. 

She Suffers and She Laughs

I am angry. NO more than angry.    People say I need to make the choice to do something different to see something different.  They say I still have nightmares and flashbacks because it's time I choose something else.Believe me Flashbacks and nightmares are not something that I choose.   They say that god is the only thing that is going to make it any better.  I am beyond words and more than angry.  People have to understand the situation before you can ignore everything and tell me that one thing is going to work.  I believe that is his heart. I believe that he believes that with all of his heart.  Me I believe something different.  I believe that there are things I need to heal I believe I still need to be understood. I believe that I need someone to help me walk through this.  He believes that god is the easy answer does he not know me, that is a very complicated answer. There are still so many knots in my head things that I am trying to figure out,things that don't make sense.  I thin most in life I want people to listen, I want to be heard.
  I have said over and over I CAN NOT do this church thing on my own.  It's not a cop out, its not an excuse, it's what I need.  Make a different choice, yes I am making different choices.  I still suffer, every day is more than hard, and often I would rather crawl in a hole.  I was speaking about the parts of me that suffer that still cry that long for things to be different.  Those are the parts that I write to him about.  I don't want answers I want to be heard. I don't want what is going to fix me, when I don't believe in the same things.  I have tried so hard to fit into that world, with those people and I don't.  I can't and won't pretend to be something that I am not.  I connect certain things in my brain and its not that I dwell on them its that is ho I think and believe me I fight my own thinking all the time and I try to figure things out differently, and oh yes sometimes often I get in my own way.  But telling me one way is the only way is more than hurtful when you know where I have come from.  Telling me to just let things go, no its not that easy.  I want to respond, but I am sure that my feelings are hurt.  Maybe I need time , he needs time.  The anger made me sad, it was just my feelings and I was upset he wasn't hearing me.  Angry hurt yea all those things.  Maybe the forever part was just done because I can't just flip a switch and I am learning that no matter how old that I get or what I accomplish there are going to be pieces of me affected and there will be more good than rough.  In those rough, I just want someone to listen.  Just hear me and let m know that I am going to be ok.  Sometimes for me there are no answers. I suffer and I laugh. I suffer and I laugh. 

I heart your heart  

When your body is the enemy

Yea so many things I just got of the phone with Dr.Hopper.  OH MY GOODNEES there are so many things.  I feel like there is a hope.  I feel like there are things I can do to make things better.  And I can promise you they are things that are not going to be easy.  They are not going to be easy, because I don't really like being in my own skin. My body my skin is not a good place to be its often unsafe and almost always dangerous.

I have never really liked being in my own skin.  I have done things and avoided it at all costs.  I have gained weight, I have gotten skinny I generally have not been nice to myself or this shell that I live in.  I can think of kindness once when I found out that I was pregnant with Vincent and Mariska, I was kind to my body because they are all that mattered.  When its just me and the things that have been done, the things that hurt the things that play in my head, I hate me and the body that it was done to.  And this leads a person to very strange place, because there is no reason to care. There is such hate and disgust and there is no way to get around it, there is no way to get out of your skin.  Believe me I have done things and tried and it doesn't work.  So this hateful place has led me here.  Things on the outside are all together things on the inside are a clutter of bad dreams and mean men. My body is the enemy is attracts or repels the enemy and any way that I look at "IT" it disgusts me.  Her/ My life has been filled with monsters that I fight every second of the day and night. Maybe the part that I am missing is connecting to the body that I live in.  I can not pretend that its going to be easy or often welcomed.  I can guess that in the beginning its going to be more than hard.  But I can promise you that I am in with my whole heart and its worth a try.  When all else fails it is worth a try.

There were many things said during the conversation this morning that hit my heart. Words like, Kindness, compassion, wisdom,  embodiment, clarity, grace. weaving, burned in my soul, mindful,wishing them happy,  wishing wanting, embodied love.  OMG all those things. All those words are things that I hold dear in my heart only the problem is that I hold them for others and not myself.  Maybe its time I hold them for myself .  Except this one, this one is not meant for me and there lies a huge problem....because you see the body, MY body is the enemy.

 The body is the foundation is healing .  The body is the foundation for healing. Let that sink in. 

  When I see someone and think how I want to fight I want to protect them I want to keep them safe I want to make sure that they never feel the sad lonely feelings that I have felt.  Instead of that fight just wish them that happy. Wish them that happy that I long for.  Seems so simple.  I think I do a part of that I think that has what helped me survive all these years.  I wish those things for others,  maybe maybe I need to instead of fight I need to wish those things for me. I thanked Dr. Hopper for speaking with me .  I feel like he heard me, and that is what I need more than anything, He said that I may never lose that fight and that wasn't a bad thing.  He said remember where you were 10 years ago and look how far that you have come.  Just imagine where you will be 10 years from now ??

So here's to next steps, less fighting, more connection and as always a grateful heart.  That he even took the time to hear me and listen, that.  I heart your heart and here we go.
 I heart your heart
Thanks so much Dr.Hopper

Sunday, February 4, 2018

I don't want to write about you anymore

You see its more than difficult and a lonely place to be .  I don't want to write about you I don't want you to a be a part of who I am but you are and then comes what to do with that. The more you speak the more you are left alone. And left alone is the last thing that you want to be. There is a time to weep a time to let it be a time to try a time to fight, there is always a time and always more pieces to uncover and others think its a flip a switch kind of thing and its nothing of a sort. .  When its in your heart to fight its not so easy, when you fight with all that you have an even sometimes more to make sure that no one ever has to feel the things that you have felt.  I am not sure that others can understand the strength it takes some days just to do all the things that its necessary to do.  I have to fight all the time to make sure that the past doesn't win and believe me there are times that it does and I beat myself up.  Even after all this time I have a desire to be heard. I need people to hear me and be there.  I know that there is no changing the things that have happened, no making them different but I need to be acknowledged and that is the rough part.  I feel like lately I Need that more than anything and it is truly a pain in the ass, but its such a need, and I try so hard not to need anything, because I feel way to needy and pesky . I am not looking for an easy answer, I am not looking for a quick fix,  I want someone to understand the bad days understand that I just want to know its a day and it will soon pass. I think that I keep asking the wrong questions.  Will it go away what do I need to do in reality I am wondering if its ever going to go away.  There will always be triggers.  There will always be things that hurt my heart.   No, I look forward to the day hen I don't have to write about you to figure out my heart and at the same time I am more than aware that what I write is better out of my heart than in.  Maybe most probably there isn't one thing that is going to make my heart lighter that is going to make me feel whole.  The answer for me isn't forgiveness, it isn't God, it isn't pretending it isn't there maybe the healing for me will come when I am seen with out asking, when I can write and be heard.  When I know that I hve made a difference for another survivor, when my words and experiences are even a little freeing for them then maybe then ?  I don't want to put a name to it really I think one of these days I just won't need to anymore, the hurt will not be so strong and there will be other things to fill the space.  Maybe its nothing more than when my heart is ready.  When my heard is READY.  I don't want to write about you anymore but at least I have that. and until I don't need it I will keep writing, keep thinking , keep fighting and one day I will wake up more alive and realize all that I have overcome and how brave and strong and amazing that truly is.