I once thought that it was church, and I was wrong It was for a time, it was everything for a time, but I needed too much. I left broken hearted and didn't understand. I thought I found another, but something was missing that I couldn't explain I need someone to carry me in this process and whether others didn't understand that or couldn't it just didn't happen. I wish them all the best but that just isn't a place for me. I have said it before and people have argued and disagreed but really that is not the place for me.
You know I feel so other than and I want to feel so normal. I am pretty sure that there is somewhere I will make sense just not yet. I find people and places that are far away but I need that here in my everyday. Where my heart and feelings and views and weird quirks are taken as just who I am and not something to fix. My heart may always be bruised and others are going to have to be gentle, but maybe that is just me, just where I am in this life. I don't understand the places that I have been the things that have happened but I know in my bones I am in the right place and I have to find people that are willing to be in this place with me and not anything else. As Laura said you are where you are, there is more work that needs to be done.
I heart your heart.
So I wrote this : and got this back.