I can remember being with my grandmother and talking about this new amazing book that I was reading and a friend of hers was all over me because it didn't talk about god, hid god. He was not very kind, and was not even willing to see how good that this book was for me. God was something that was far away. He was something untouchable and not necessarily unkind but not kind either. I think I saw him as a bystander just watching as the world crumbled. As my world was falling apart I imagined that he was doing nothing, He was not something that was in my heart, in my bones; it was something else something unreal and far away. I had decided that my life experiences were something unthinkable and I didn't want to believe in a god that let such things happen. I would not believe in something that would let children suffer. I wanted nothing to do with god or religion or any kind of church. That was only reinforced with the scandal in the church with priests hurting and abusing children. And yet other officials knowing what was being done and just moving those priests around to different parishes, Really, how sick is that ? Then was the time when truth showed its face, when I believe with all that I am I ended up exactly where I was supposed to be......And it was the little things....
It wasn't until my early thirties that I saw a real church with real kind people that were all the things that I was looking for all the things that I needed. My first experience with a real church was seeing a play. And the most special person that played an Angel. That angel led me to learn what church really was and in time who God was. He showed me who God was by being the real kindness that I needed. It was the little things that he did consistently , the kindness, my questions, my attitude, my disbelief and his refusal to never give up on me. He had asked me to church a number of times with his family and finally I said I would love to come to church and see the play. I mean it was just a play, and I joked that lightning may strike, and tornadoes may ensue but I said that I would go. And it was awesome, and that little thing that meant the most is on his way out, leaving the scene, he turned and gave a little wave. Just a little wave letting me know that I was noticed, that meant so much. I remember things so vivid and that moment still makes me cry. He didn't let me fade in, he noticed. I learned so many things. I met his wife and shared life with his family. He was my lifeline; my training wheels for a long time. I learned to see God in a new light. I found a real church a real family with the most amazing people.
I am not at all about religion, I do not like the rules the regulations I am not about conforming to what others believe. Though I am a very spiritual person. I see greatness in the small things that surround me, in the clouds, in the little birds, in laughing people. I see things different, I always have. I see God all around me, I see him in the birds, in all kinds of ways and places. I see him in the sunrise and the sunset. I see him in a father taking care of his children, I see him in my children when they ask how I am and make sure that I am OK. I have seen him more these last few months that I could have ever imagined in a friend calling me family, in being offered an amazing home to live in . In the pieces of my life that are falling into place, into my grades, my financial aide in more things that I can even imagine. Its in things that I can not even begin to explain or understand. I talk about when I found my first real church, and if I didn't find that place I never would have met Catrina. The patchwork of lives and times and people is more than amazing and more than I can explain in words, EVER. Today I do believe in God, he is in my bones because I was shown the realness and kindness of him in some most important people who took the time to walk with me. Since I made the decision to leave that place that was once my church home. I went to church once and it was not scary, it felt good, it was not my cup of tea, the man yelled often and looked like the banker from Mary Poppins, but I was with amazing people and that made the difference. I was ready to try again and Christmas Eve I went to services and I felt good. It was huge and there were people everywhere, but I was comfortable. Someone reached out and asked me to go and be with her family and I was ready. It was comforting, it was real, it was true and I felt something that I haven't felt for a long time. And the pastor talked about people exactly where they are. And that is where I am exactly where I am. When I left my first church I had people tell me, its my duty to make sure that we find you a church, I made people promise not to let me fall through the cracks because I knew that I would not find another church quickly. My heart was too hurt by church I had just left, there was nothing left to look for another place where I belonged. So things changed people moved and promises were broken and I had left even the idea of finding a church. Once again I was on my own. I was out of sight out of mind. It takes so much out of me to find a place that fits my heart to find a real place that I fit and can belong. And to make that heart breaking decision to leave that place that was no longer the church I once knew and to have the people that I loved break their promises was really really hard. I am going to go back to the church that I visited on Christmas Eve. Because I am ready. Because I think its time. It is that book that kept my heart, it is the people that i met that healed my soul , and it is the newness and true people that are in my life now that have gotten me where I am. I believe in the Dali Lama and what he stands for and his heart of pure kindness is more than I can explain. I believe in God, and am grateful each and every day where I am , the things that I have accomplished, the lives that I touch, and the life that I live. Things are still hard and so unsure but I believe
I am on the right path. I believe that I am where I am supossed to be. I believe so many things...
Church is something that is more complicated for me than you can possibly imagine. Because like so many I am not about all the rules and rituals. I am about kindness and being who I am. I am about being accepted where I am. I will always keep my book Peace is Every Step close because it kept me together, it was a part of my journey I will believe in the Dalai Lama because that is where I found peace when I had none. I believe in God because I see how far I have come and that would not have been possible on my own. I can not join a church and pretend I have the answers, I don't have any. I know that I want to belong to a place that can take my questions, that can accept my heart exactly as it is and not try to change it to fit what they believe. I am different, always have been always will be and that just is. I see and experience things differently because of where I have been. I am more than grateful every day to be where I am. I have bad days, days of doubt. I have days when I think OK God I can not take another hurdle yet with each hurdle something else comes that I never expected. I am a work in progress and all of these things are a part of me. I am working on my relationship with God, I know how I want to see him as I see the Dhali Lama that's how I want to see him and I am working on that.

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