Sunday, May 15, 2016

April 22, 2004

I often can not believe how fast that these twelve years have gone by,  April 22, 2004 my life changed forever and it has been the most amazing, challenging, unbelievable time of my life. I have been trying to write this for months now, writing and rewriting, writing some more.  I wanted to have this done on their birthday, didn't happen, tried for mothers day, I thought that is perfect they made me a mom; nope didn't happen.  I think back seeing them  grow up as wonderful and amazing as it is its also terrifying.  They are 12 oh my goodness!   There are a lot of days that I don't have a clue what I am doing.  Sometimes they do things and I think what in the world ?? Is this normal ?  Because I have no clue what normal 12 year olds are like !!!  Seriously no clue!!!  Oh my goodness I worry about them , oh I worry about their little hearts how they see the world I worry about them being safe I worry about making the right choices for them I worry about being a good enough mom.  I know that I have not missed a moment in their life, I was there for all the firsts, and from the moment I found out I was pregnant with them, they were all that mattered they were the reason that I took every breath.  Oh my goodness I was one of those amazing pregnant people , I never stopped smiling, I love every single second!!  Seeing them grow and turn into these amazing young humans is so surreal.  I just watch them sometimes not believing that I get to be their mom.   They are these amazing kind, caring people that are going to do great things in this world and I get to be their mom.

They have not had an easy life,  but they have always had everything that they needed. They have never had to go without,  I would go without to make sure that they had all that they needed.  Always, Always, ALWAYS.  There are going to be things in this life that they have to deal with that are different, there are things that I hope they will come to understand.  Through it all e are a family, and they are my most amazing, they made me a mom and these first 12 years have been everything and more than I could have ever imagined.

Mariska Anne, oh my goodness, there are so many things that she is so much like me.  She is different,  she will tell you what she thinks sometimes and only if you ask.She will smile and pretend that she is fine, even as tears stream down her face.  She has a smile that lights up a room, and a spirit that is blooming.  She loves to read, oh that girl loves to read she can spend hours in a book store, and in less than a day can  read at least a 500 page book and is on to the next.  She loves sharks, She has this love for science fiction things like the Hunger Games and Divergent, she has read them all hundreds of times and can tell you all the little details.  She is always one to say oh the book was so much better.   She is so stinking smart, she doesn't even have to try, she just gets things, they just make sense to her, which makes school pretty boring for her.  She wants a challenge and wants to do new things.  She is a sensitive thinker,  things bother her and if you don't know her you would never imagine.  She always watches, checks things out, oh she always has, since the day she was born.  For me if I don't know you or don't like you I don't fake it well and of my sweet Mariska doesn't either.  She is always polite but her face can not tell a lie.  She helps out around the house, and puts her whole heart into what she is doing if she finds it interesting.  She loves to cook, and help in the kitchen, she will make dinner and goodies just to help out.  She really cares about the world around her and that is more than amazing to see.  She loves her music and talking Angela, and has a little giggle that melts my heart.  She loves her puffy hair and  will say with a smile on her face I woke up like this.  Oh my goodness, she is something else,  this 12 year old of mine.  She thinks all the time,  if she hasn't read the book TV isn't her thing, but she has a thing for cheesy lifetime movies lately,  she thinks they are hysterical and if you aren't watching she will give you a play by play.  She sometimes lives in her own little world and I think oh my goodness chick what are you doing, ?! She doesn't have to worry about love or safety and that is good for my heart.  She lives in the world, giving us all so much,  I can not believe its been 12 years.  I look forward to the things that she will do in the future.  She is taking AP classes next year, Drama and still is in Choir.  She is on student council and has a blast,  how did I get so lucky, this special girl of mine is unbelievable amazing.   


And Vincent Guy .  He has more kindness than I could have ever imagined.  He has a heart that I am not sure even I am prepared for.  Every single day he amazes me.  He worries about me all the time and watches absolutely everything I do.  He is also a lot like me, he is a worrier he will help out a friend anytime anywhere.  He has always gravitated towards those who needed a little extra TLC.  He is the friend that is there and sticks up for you, no matter what.  He always takes those special people under his wing and makes sure that they are taken care of.  The two of us bump heads often,  but the love I have for him is something special, he is one of the good guys and he is my son.  I am more than blessed.  He works so very hard at everything that he does all the time.  He is passionate about Hockey and of coarse his favorite team the BRUINS ! His room is the color of gold and black,  he has to work really hard in school but not once do I ever have to remind him to do his homework, EVER! He is respectful and kind and worries about the injustices of the world,  WOW the things he is going to do, he will touch many heart I am sure.  He plays the violin and is really good!  I was a little worried but oh, its beautiful and again he loves it.  He loves for the two of us just to sit outside and talk.  He is also a thinker and has deep thoughts,  he is also a writer he has kept a journal for years now and I am sure as he looks back he can see where he has come.  He has this soul, something special, a gentle spark that makes him amazing.  He helps me oh so very much, from hanging pictures to doing the yard.  I don't know what I would do with out him.  He is always making sure that I am OK, that I am taken care of,  I reassure him that I am fine.  He listens really listens,  he follows the rules and expects everyone else to do the same.    He is smart, but busts his hiney kind of smart it doesn't just come to him,  He is in robotics and is going to travel and compete next year, My son already programming!  I never imagined.  Every teacher that I speak to has nothing but great amazing things to say and it melts my heart every single time.

 I so loved when they were little but oh I love seeing the people that they are becoming.  I worry all the time that I am not enough, that there are so very many things that they have to deal with and yet they shine.  I am amazed, Amazed that they are mine that I get to be their mom, Just the three of us one special kind of family, that I could never imagine would be so So wonderful.  I love you both more than you can ever imagine.

I heart your heart.  I love you, I love you.


This song fits we might not do this life the traditional way, but oh I love every single day.

"I can't wait to see whats around the corner.  I can't wait to soar........ Its the little things that make a home"

Yes they are my home, and I look forward to doing it over every single day with them <3

Blue October "Home"


There is no pill for this

You know the wizard of OZ when Dorothy is talking to the wizard, and she says, oh there is nothing for me in that bag.  Yea its like that there is no heart that someone can give me, there are no magic words, there is nothing in the world that is going to be able to make the pictures in my head go away.  There is no magic pill to take the flashbacks and images away, Nothing. There are things I can try EMDR  , which is a way for my brain to try and process the things I see differently. To try to get my brain to understand that the danger is over, that I am safe now.  The problem with that is that its expensive and finding someone who does this is difficult.  I am tired of people telling me that I just need to let it go,  believe me if it were that easy, I would have let go a very long time ago.  There are things that I just don't understand and as hard as I have fought, I feel like I should be ok, but the things that have happened are in my bones literally  they have a grasp on me, that is what PTSD is.  Its not that I am unwilling to let go , and I wish that there was a way for me to explain this to people.  How I am the things that I am afraid of, the why of some of the things that I do.  People don't understand and that is more than frustrating.  I keep everything together do everything that I am supposed to and the pictures play over and over.  The triggers are everywhere at times, songs, smells, feelings, and I never know when they are going to come. Sometimes I sit with them hoping there is going to be some kind of answer, I should know by now that there are no answers, but I keep trying.There is nothing to take the pictures the memories in my head, NOTHING. NOTHING. NOTHING.

People have said I just need to be more social,  that is going to fix everything.  It is not.  I understand that I often stay back and stay away from people. Part of that is just who I am.  People have been dangerous my entire life.  And I hear people say less than 5 % of people are actually dangerous, I hear that but for me its the opposite, in my own experience,  its the other 95% that is dangerous and its that 5 percent that I can trust, because that is my experience in life.  That is my experience, and that doesn't just go away,  I am trying working hard but its more difficult than you can possibly imagine!   People have said, well I just made the decision , to be different.  That is great and I am glad that it worked for you, being social causing more anxiety than you can imagine, that is not what will work for me.  I do need to get out more, be involved, its finding something that I am passionate about here around me.  Protecting others, whales I just have to find the right place.I just don't know what that is.  I have these connections but they are far away,  again like dorothy maybe I need a few trips to oz, maybe then I can find what I am looking for.

I do not want others to fix me,  I don't want someone feeling sorry for me, I want  someone to understand my wierdness and embrace it. I want someone to try to understand and see where I am coming from and not call me crazy or think its stupid.  I know that I often push people away but I need them to keep on me, ask the hard questions, don't let me off the hook.  I know I am hard to like and even harder to love,  I need people to follow thru and know if I ask for something, it has taken me months to ask and please don't forget or ignore, because I won't ask again.  I felt like a huge pest my entire life, and I will not keep asking.  I understand people are busy and have their own life,  here I need some extra understanding.  It takes a whole lot for me to ask for help,  you need to know that.  I have said for some time,  I need someone there walking beside me,  being a constant not leaving,  and yes there are times like right now, that I might need to be carried no matter how wonderful that things look on the outside, my insides, well that is another story.  

I heart your heart.