There are so many things to say. Whales, yea they are kinda everything, they are my passion they are my everything. Whales have kept me going when that was the last thing that I wanted. People don't get it and that's ok it's a part of who I am . Times when I had nothing it was my connection with whales that has gotten me through. There is a connection with whales that is truly one of the things in life that I could hold on to and that has made such a difference. I have met people that that have that awe for whales that I do and nothing comes but tears. People didn't understand the feeling when I met Laurens Degroot, or Paul Watson, those are the things that touch my heart because of my love of whales there is a connection. They see the importance and the beauty like many can not.

And then the other day there was a training at work, and the presenter was really good. Her name was Ashley Helms, and she had all of us tell about ourselves. Then she had pictures up to tell us a little about her. There was her family her children her dogs but do you know what I saw first: the whales. That picture down in the bottom left hand corner. I turned around and was like did you see that , there are whales!!!!! They went unnoticed by most , and I was still shocked thinking someone else might have a thing for whales! SERIOUSLY, I can tell you that doesn't happen very often. I seriously could have cried. How she was talking about them, and how important they were and how she was putting that out there as a part of who she was!!!! WHAT HOW COOL IS THAT !!!!And all day I was so connected and learned so much. I felt that connection and it carried me in something totally unrelated. Connections carry people even in things we can't imagine. I had that connection that day and I will carry that.

There is so much power in connection. I was alive that day. Someone who shared that love who cried when she saw whales. There is so much power in that. So much meaning and for me moments like that are few. I just know the difference that it made. I feel like whales for me are the connection to so much. And yes its different, but its not less than because there are not many that I have met. It's not less than because so many don't understand. SO I think all of this to say that hold on to your passions, the things that make you feel alive no matter how crazy they may be to others because someday someway you will find others and when you do, when you can look at each other and just understand, that is the important things in life. Of all the times and people that have told me how crazy that it is that is what keeps me going. So hold on to what you love, hold those passions because someday you will find those people to understand and it gives your heart the most amazing feeling. These are the things that I crave in this world. And I don't have it often but I had it that day and it was more than awesome. And I didn't stutter, I wasn't nervous in that room full of people and that day I won't forget ever. I think I wrote this for all those who told me how stupid and childish and dumb that my love and passion was. Because that day that is exactly what connected me . That is more than important.
I heart your heart.