Wow sometimes I am amazed at the things that come out of People's mouths. People that are close, people that know some of the things that I have dealt with and still don't get it. People that are insensitive to any issue that doesn't affect them. All these things have literally broken my heart tonight and I am more than alone.
I am not sure that I have the right words or if I can even put what went on into all started with a single question and the night began to spiral. I can't breather there is an elephant on my chest and I want to crawl in a hole. How does one person deal with all of this.
We were watching the news and they were talking about the new abortion bill; that even in cases of rape and incest it was illegal. Those things come on the news and I try to keep moving half listening but mostly not. I wait for them to be over and go on with whatever it is that I am doing. One of those things that kits too close to home. Well tonight when it came on Vincent asked my mom what she thought. And again I was half listening, but I heard enough. She said well it didn't matter, that it was still wrong and that there were other options. I heard a lot of Blah Blah Blah and no caring no concern, Vincent said something to her and how not right that it was and she kept saying well there are other options and she can have the baby, she can give them up for adoption. Vincent said but what about that meaning Rape and she said well the morning after pill is ok........
There were so many thoughts running through my head........She has no idea just how broken that I am. Ho hurt that my heart is and how much that I have had to do completely on my own.
Another thing that I can not share , that I live with on my own. I suffer in silence, and hold it ever so close to my heart. It's to much and too heavy for others to know.
She has no idea how hard that this situation is or how close that this is to my heart and is so much a part of who I am and who my children are. I have never used the word Rape with my children. When I told them I just said that Charles didn't listen.....Do they put that word on what happened ? A question for sometime.....I am more than sorry that is something that they even have to contemplate in their life.
On the issue I don't know.....I do not believe in Abortion, I could never harm an innocent little one but I also understand that in cases of rape and incest there are many emotions, feelings and situations that no one can understand unless you have walked in their shoes. I know that for me what I did, the choice that I made was the right one for me. And I have said it a thousand times, if I had to do it over again I would to have my children; but that doesn't make what happened to me any less awful, it doesn't make it ok, or make it hurt any less. I hate what happened to me and how I got pregnant and everything that went with it, the black, the going away, the pillow on my face, him commenting on his beautiful BMW as he left. I closed the door and went to my bed and cried until there were no more tears. I was once again left with nothing and 2 weeks later, Yes I am pregnant. All that mattered was those sweet children and they meant the world to me. They were my world and I was going to give them all that I never had. I knew what happened to me, but that didn't matter because those two precious babies were meant to be mine.
The spiral of the evening left me with a panic attack. Questions from my children, the nonchalance of my mother. My own heart and what its been through and the things that I have had to live though. There is so much and I a, so alone in this. What does a mom do who was raped and has children ? I try to think it doesn't matter but there are ties that it does there are times I worry about Vincent being a good guy. So many pieces. Once again I am more than sorry that this is something my children have to know and deal with sometimes I do believe it would be easier for them to think I was just a slut, and got pregnant. That just isn't the case. There is me the damaged one in the middle. There are my two beautiful children on one side and the awful terrible rape on the other how do I make sense of that. How do I not blame myself and lessen the impact on my sweet beautiful children. There are no answers and no manual for this. I am more than sorry for my children, once again I wish I coud make it easier for them. And for me I would do it all again to have them as mine. That is so hard, that is scary and heavy. Yet another thing to carry and try to heal on my own.
I heart your heart.