Last time I told them what I thought and how I was hurt when my brother was 30 minutes away and didn't call didn't see me or the kids and they didn't care...then they did it again two weeks later going to the Sate fair not calling us or inviting us to go and then showing my children the pictures....How cruel. Why would they do that ? Makes me so very sad and I have not spoken the words to my children, but in my head I promise next year I will take my children to the state fair myself.
When my car wouldn't start there was no response, no kindness she told me to ask about places in the area, I asked what I needed to do there was silence she honestly doesn't care, there is nothing for feeling...its nothingness, thats the only word that I can think of to even begin to explain it ...I could walk to Denton and she would not even give me a second thought. The lack of any feeling for me is mind boggling, I keep saying but I haven't done anything wrong. My brain so badly wants to understand. My heart wants to scream at them, do they care how they are treating me ? I haven't done anything wrong !!!!! But that doesn't seem to matter because I can't and won't give her the attention that she wants so I have become the worst of the worst.
But I have been Blessed. Beyond words. Beyond my understanding.
I had people telling me places to get my car looked at, I had people asking if I was OK. I had people offering their cars for me. Telling me that I could use their vehicle if I needed too! I had people offering their family to look at my car, I had people sitting with me while I got the oil changed, I had people helping me, that cared, that were doing what they could to help for that I am so very thankful. It was an overwhelming few days. When people are supposed to be your family treat you like an outsider, yet people around me were being so kind going out of their way to help me that were not my family; WOW those are the people that matter that I want to spend my time with. These are the people that I want to be around and laugh and share with.

I heart your heart. May your Thanksgiving be filled with people that make you feel loved and be thankful my Friends, be very thankful.