Sunday, March 20, 2016

Not Funny

Lately its the laughing that is getting to me.  I have been laughed at my entire life.  For being who I was, for being afraid, for not giving the correct response, for over-reacting to things that people cant even begin to understand.  People have laughed at my fear, laughed at my need to be alone, laughed at me for being the person that I am.  I am laughed at for my love of whales. I have been a joke to people my entire life.

Of coarse things started as a little girl.  My wants and needs were never important.  If I wanted or needing something I was the brunt of the jokes.  My body always brought laughter and jokes, from as far as I can remember.  My father would scare us and think it was hysterical,  the kind of scared that makes your heart beat a million miles an hour and your life flashes.    I was terrified of the dark, he was the often the monster in the dark yet I was shamed for wanting to sleep with the light on.  That one became a nightly battle, I would get little sleep, waiting for the house to be quiet, turning the light on, only to have him turn it off, then again I would wait turning it on. And it went on every night between the terror of the rapes. The light was the only little bit of comfort, that I could bring to myself in a house of insane.   Terror in the everyday and I was laughed at.

IN school, I was always the quiet different kid.  I was always in another world,  some place far away and I was made fun of.  I would watch, oh I watched everything, trying to figure out my place.  I had a place in Mr.Haley's class.  He was a bit strange and he had the passion to teach that was more than amazing, his was one class I didn't feel so different in.  He had animals and I could at least connect with them i his room.  He allowed me to use my creativity as a tool instead of something that was looked down on.   Fifth grade, that same year I was the brunt of many jokes especially a girl named Lyndee, she was cruel.  By today's standard I was bullied,  oh was I bullied.  I can remember wearing these terry cloth shorts.  Oh my goodness I loved them, they were orange and super comfy, I was comfortable in them until I was told that they were more than hideous and became the laughing stalk of my class.  That same year was the time that the skies ere black, from the storm of the year and my father came into class dumping out my entire desk, in front of my class, telling me that I was going to start turning in my homework.  He stood there screaming and yelling at me,  the snickers could be heard and I felt smaller than small.    The teacher never said a word never stood up for me.  He was done and left the portable,  I was left in a class of my peers to clean up the mess.

Things never really got better, I was pushed into the youth group at church, and was just too young. Middle school is so young, and I was placed in the high school group.  I was often laughed at I was self conscience about everything.  I mean EVERYTHING.  What I wore what I looked like, what other people thought, everything from what I ate, the kind of food , all of it,  Not one thing that I did wasn't affected.  Once my mother was over a friends and she didn't really drink but this night she came to get something and I remember her laughing right in my face.  And that feeling, someone laughing in your face, thinking they are funny, my heart sank.  I didn't understand what was so funny.  I reply that scenario play by play and it was just awful.

Later when the house was broken into, and the gang rape happened oh the laughing , it was the worst ind of soul crushing laughter that you can imagine .  Like the 13 years leading up to that weren't awful enough, they laughed at my cries and thought I was funny.  The evil in that house,  how they would take turns and laugh, like I was nothing.  They made me the joke, and there wasn't a think that I could do.

I turned to whales and that was a joke in itself.  I was always different and my love of whales didn't help that. They were my everything they took care of each other.  They were these magnificent beings that were nothing but kind.  They had my heart.  And it was a joke,  I was laughed at, made fun of, my passions wasn't nurtured or  nursed along it was seen as yet something else that made me different that made me a target.

High school was more of the same.  I lived watching the world trying not to be pest not to rock any boats and make anyone notice.  Things at home were the same, I was seen as a joke things I thought, things I did were not important.  I was laughed at, behind my back in front of my face.  It was something that I expected really, that was just the way that it was.

Fast forward to adulthood, the laughing didn't stop my fears that others couldn't possibly comprehend became something to pint out and mock.  I was sitting on the couch watching TV and someone thought it was funny to bang on the window, more than scaring me, and I jumped and that was funny to them.  When you have been violated, your house broken into and people hurt you and taken whatever they wanted from you, its not a joke, when someone is home alone.  Another time was Super Bowl weekend,  and crowds and I just don't mix.  I prefer a few people that I know , it just makes me feel safer and more relaxed.  Well I was laughed at and said well people are coming over you probably want to be somewhere else.  Someone laughing at your fears in your face.  That loud cackle laugh,  and you feel  so stupid like you shouldn't be so afraid but you are, and its made fun of.

Those things happen often, and sad but you honestly do get used to them,  I have had to.  That doesn't mean that it hurts any less but you get used to it.

LATELY, I have realized just how much that all of that affects me even to this day.  The kids will start laughing or I overreact a little and they both think its hysterical and I am brought back to those days of being physically hurt, and laughed at.  I take their laughs personally, like again my own children are laughing at me.  Oh the feeling that brings is more than painful.  And the chiropractor laughing me off when I tell him that he is hurting me and tells me like its part of getting better they have no idea where I have come from.  And There was a student who would laugh this terrible laugh and think things were funny, and again I was right back to growing up and things being so awful and so hurtful.

I guess the good thing is realizing what is happening.  I try to remember that its  my children being 11,  and yes some things are funny and that's ok.  When some things are funny its not all about me, and people laughing is a good thing.  I can see that I truly can it is just more than hard where I have come from.  I am fighting so much lately this is just one more piece to have to fight.  I know that I am different, weird, maybe even strange but I am me.  Someday, there is so going to be a place where I won't hear all the laughter of people from the past and I will just be here.  With my own children I keep reminding myself, just how very different that things are.  Its a process, a process worth trying to Win.  Someday, Someday I will win.

I heart your heart. 

Sins of the night

I don't know where to start, I have been writing but not posting or writing in my journal.  I just don't have a clue , I am on automatic and my head is full.  I have all the things I have been working for , for so very long and that sadness , that deep sadness is there and there are no more distractions no homework no job hunting and no people and I am more than a little lost.  And the guilt that I feel for all the things that are going on in my head I can not even explain.  I am giving 150% of me all the time, and my heart is being left behind.  I want to make things better for my students and I can't I want to make things great for the kids and I can't.  I want to do so much making things better and I am not sure that I will ever be successful.

My heart is tired and I am tired of being alone.  I am tired that people can't deal with the things that I have going on. I am tired of people leaving, tired of pushing people away.

Right now my past is totally winning, and that is more than frustrating with all the good things that are happening. Its still there and I with every bone in my body  don't want it to be.  I have pulled into my little cocoon and its safe, not productive but safe and I desperately need safe. I need to be safe and sound.  This sad soul of mine is winning.  The saddest parts of my past are winning, and I am not sure what I need to do next .  What exactly is the next step in healing ?  What is the next part of my story that I need to work on ?  I don't know but I am stuck where I am.   And its a place where the sins of the night have control and hurt like hell.  The things that have been done, are close and stealing my every breath.  They are so big and so strong and I don't know what to do with them at all, I am completely at a loss.  So I step back trying to figure it out, only there are no new alternatives or answers to the questions that I long to have answered.

I have this new relationship with my mom yet there are things that are not shared , not talked about, there are places that I can't let her into.  She is trying and has been there,  I feel like she is truly there yet, I can't let her into my sacred hurt space.  We just are not there yet.  But I don't have any people in that place right now and it would be nice because its more than lonely, its scary and dark, and there aren't any words but I don't want to be there on my own either.  The sins of the night are haunting me to the core and I don't know how to let go.  I think about the things that have made me who I am, and its literally takes my breath away I shouldn't even be here or be alive or be enjoying life at all but I am.  Yet, I feel like this soul of mine is suffocating under the sad,  and I don't know what to do with that, I don't have a single clue and its hard.

I have dug myself a hole, and the problem is that is comfortable, and I will keep fighting but I am going to do it tomorrow or the next day or next week.  I need  a break in this hole so I can catch my breathe, so I can repair my heart some.     You see you need people to heal your heart yet distance yourself from everyone,  a daily battle.  Some times the point of coming out of your shell or hole becomes a risk that I can't take, because of the fear of being hurt, being rejected, being a bother or a pest. The fear oh the fear,  FEAR is a four letter F word, that holds so much control.  I am tired of seeing the pictures,  tired of the details the scents, the touches I am done with it all.  And see thats the awful terrible part because those are the things that come at any moment, at any time.  It feels defeating to be working so hard and to still have so many nightmares, so many memories in your head.  How can I fight , take steps forward when the pictures literally throw you back?!? It's all to much.    

I heart your heart.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


You know, there are so many places that my head is in.  Usually stuff about dads doesn't really bother me.  It isn't a big deal.  Well that word USUALLY is the kicker because the last three days have been unbelievable.  First it was watching the Bachelor last night.  I know so stupid, but Mariska and I started watching it and BAM we watched the entire season.  Well last night was the final rose ceremony.  Ben who was truly a genuine good guy called the girls dad that he chose to propose to, to ask for his blessing to get married.  It was more than awesome, super sweet and the tears started.  And then they came some more and some more.  Then the thoughts came, no matter how hypothetical that they were, My brain was on a roll and I started thinking.  If I ever by some strange chance get married?!?  Who in the world would the poor guy call, if by some crazy chance in this world I got proposed too ?  And I was in this panic!!  I honestly wrote a text asking someone I know if he would be my person to call if by some crazy happening I get proposed too that If there ever was a time; would he be that person for that guy to call to ask to Marry me. I know INSANE, but more than true!!  I of coarse deleted the text for so many different reasons.  For one he has his own girls, for two that is not a fair question to ask of someone,  because ,because, because   so many reasons.  So I hit delete and cried some more. My heart has a hole.

You know for so long I believed in fairy tales.  I believed in them with my whole heart.  I want to believe in the notion of Happily ever after and the good guy always wins, and soul mates and justice and how everything works out in the end.  I want to believe that more than anything.  Oh so many people have argued saying oh Callahan, there is no such thing and I fought that not wanting to believe it. Not wanting to believe that for a second.  Because in fairy Tales there is always hope.  Hope for the good guy, for dreams to come true.   People would say they are called fairy tales for a reason they are not real, or possible.  They are just that tales.  Just tales to believe in when there is nothing else to hold onto.

I do not believe in them anymore.  I do not believe in Fairy Tales.

And again tonight the tears came.  It was Mariska's choir concert.  All Disney themed and of coarse one of the songs was from nothing other than Cinderella.  And one of Mariska's friends had a solo and sang some day my prince will come ans in the bridge her dad walked on stage in tails , gloves and all and they danced to the rest of the song. They danced, yes they danced.  Oh yes there were lots of tears. A daughter and her dad.  The tears came fast for the things I never had,  maybe I was jealous.  But you can't be jealous of something you don't know.  Maybe that was it, what I was seeing was something I wanted to know.  I never had that dad to dance with, there is no father to call if that proposal ever happens.  No dad, nope. I don't have one, the one I did have was nothing but a monster and tonight I miss the kind loving gentle dad that I never ever had.

Madonna "Oh Father"

I heart your heart.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Fist fighting A Sandstorm

Yea so its been a long time.  I guess that you could say I have been better.  I have crawled into my shell lately, trying to protect my heart.  I don't want to do it, but it becomes comfy and safe and I need safe.  Life has been better than it ever has and also the roughest place my heart has been for some time . Since the accident I seemed to be spiraling backwards and forwards and every which way, wanting things that are just far enough out of reach.  I keep fighting things that I can't control.  The anger lately has been intense and strong, I can not even tell you the number of times that i have said out loud, I just want to punch them in the face! So not me, but its there and I feel that anger in my bones.  It started with the accident , the chiropractor and a few things at work, the feeling of being overwhelmed is becoming a friend I would rather not have.  A song came out not very long ago and its called fist fighting a sandstorm.  And its like a light bulb went off, that is exactly what things feel like right now.  I fight and fight for myself for my kids for the kids I teach, for those that I don't even know; I fight for all of us.  I am fighting things that I have absolutely no control over, and I am spending all this energy fighting and it feels like its all for nothing. Hence I seem to be fist fighting a sandstorm and I don't want to anymore.

The people in my life are changing, the things I value are changing there are so many changes and I am trying to keep up and keep going and its difficult.  There are so many things to get out of my head and yet nothing comes. Words and thoughts do't come together to make any kind of sense.  I am the most alone that I have been in a long time, and just wanting to crawl in a hole. I am pulling away from people from things that just are not good for me.  The problem is that I am also pulling away from those things that are good for me.   I am fighting letting people go that are not there and have not been in a very long time, its about the letting go and holding on and I am holding on to some things for dear life.  Some things are so easy to walk away from and yet others weigh heavy on my soul.

I have people telling me that the things I need to heal are things that only god can fix at this point....and that leaves me more confused because if that was the case,  I would think he would have helped by now.  Don't get me wrong,  I do see god in many things that have happened in my life when it comes to my past,  I don't have words, for that one I am on my own.  People oh people,  such a love hate.  Some I love more deeply than I ever could imagine and some I hate deeper than the deepest of holes.  People who were once there that have all but disappeared and they talk about loving god and wanting to help people and wanting to bring people closer BUT I am right in front of them and nothing.  And there is a lot of them so I am sure its me and I just don't understand why.

There is a sadness right now that I don't even have words for.  I am in so many ways all on my own.  And absolutely part of that is my own fault, I totally accept responsibility, but on the other hand no one stays, its one of those weird times and I am stuck in that in-between. I want people to be different to be there to remember me, to be the friend that I need and they aren't and I can't keep holding on to things that just are not meant to be.

I think for me I am just this happy person with a sad soul, and maybe that is just what it is supposed to be.  Maybe that is just the way that it is.  There is a happiness, the kids are amazing,  my house is fabulous, I LOVE my job,  but I am left with this sad soul.  The sadness that I feel is so deep that there are no words,  the things I have experienced the things that life has thrown at me, I deal with them all and I fight but they have also taken their toll.  I have found that happy person that has things I have dreamt about for so long.  but my soul is bruised, battered and worn and there is no making that go away, and maybe its that sadness that keeps people away,  I don't know.  I am in this place with so much happy and such a deep sad that I have learned to dance in the rain yet its still raining.

Maybe with more healing it will come, maybe in time it will come maybe it will never come.....

Just a confusing place to be ....I heart your heart.