I am not sure where to start or what to say. I don't want to sound stupid or jealous or any of those things but there were a few things that I realized yesterday that made me really angry. I think that the #METOO movement is amazing and its moving forward and I do believe that its going to change things. But there are also people that post things about it, that talk about hoe we should comfort these people and be with them. And I want to scream they praise all the people that we are seeing in the news, and there are friends people right in front of them that don't even get acknowledged. This movement has long been needed but I think there are some that need a better understanding. Far away we can see these women coming forward and we can see what a problem that sexual assault is, its literally EVERYWHERE~ EVERYDAY and when its as close to someones heart as it is to mine its hard.
There are millions of us everyday that are trying to survive that are trying to make it through this life and those that are publicly standing up is amazing and I am grateful there are many of your friends and family in the everyday that also need your support. That fight the same abuse and stigma, and and a hug or a note or something that they are thought of mean the world.
I wrote an email the other day and said how this movement was affecting me, and that it sometimes makes it hard and the response that I got back was oh ya I have thought about you and how it affects you. But then SILENCE. I even asked and said what I needed. I asked when you think of me can you please just tell me thinking of you saw the news and just acknowledge that I am part of the #ME TOO movement too. I just want to be acknowledged, I want people to see and know the struggle yes even all these years later. That's all that I want acknowledgement , that yes my friend is one of those survivors and I am going to support her here and now.
I see posts on facebook how we need to step up and hold these people close and how many people are affected, lke its the thing to say Because there are people right in front of them that are a part of me too that need that hug that encouragement, that strength but when its close to hoe when its persona; there is a disconnect.
I think that's it, the disconnect people want to do the right thing, acknowledge but from far away. What often hurts the most are the things that are right in front of us that we can't even bare to acknowledge. I get angry I see people posting things about how people need to speak up, people need to be supported . YES YES those things are true. But a facebook post doesn't count. Its in the reaching out to others even in the smallest ways to let them know that their faces are not on national news, their stories are not often heard or understood but they are still part of this sisterhood of abuse that way to many can feel in their bones.
So I can say this #metoo is a blessing and a curse, I am glad for those that find power and support and I heart their heart. For those of us that do not feel that support we get so much from the support of others but for those close to us please remember me too is right in front of you and more real than anything that you would like to be believe but please don't leave those closest to you out in the world alone because we are here and we are also #METOO.
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