It was one of those required things at work. It was fine, just that feeling of being an outsider begins to creep in and that feeling is somehow so hollow that your insides would echo. Its that thing that should be there; that should have been built in as I was growing up, but things happen and I didn't get those things like everyone else. There are things that I knew way to soon, and things I experienced that should have been saved for way later in life. All those things together and innocence is gone, completely gone. My innocence was gone before I even knew that it existed.
The first time I experienced that sense of innocence was in Carter's baby store when Mariska was small maybe 3. A song came on that she liked. So she stood there in a crowded line full of people and she danced. She found herself a clearing by the shelf; She danced like no one was watching. She danced because she knew that it was ok, she was safe and the world was at her hands. She danced because a song she loved came on and she felt it in her bones. I stood there and watched unbelievably in amazement that she would do that. I wanted to go and distract her and tell her all the reasons that she shouldn't do that. People might be watching what will the think will they be attracted to her. A thousand things are running in my head and for a second Everything stopped; I realized just how innocent that moment was. And I just watched her, there was nothing wrong with what she was doing, there was nothing wrong with enjoying that exact moment . She stood there with not a care in the world and danced. The world was a safe and sound place. There was no harm intended on her and not one person thought anything terrible seeing a little girl dance. I teared up a little because I just could never imagine being that ok with who I was. I could not imagine not being afraid of the people around me and if they saw me do that, I knew the things that they would want. Such a powerful moment being able to give her the things that I never had. I know she had those moments all the time. This one just so stood out to me, she was just a little girl in this world dancing to her favorite song. It was amazing and heartbreaking for me. I would never know that feeling that truly free feeling .

It just does something to my heart. I can remember one picture in front of my house on Rearn Dr and I have this Blue jumper on, I am holding my little stuffed dog and I seem to almost be floating on air and I think in someway I had that if even for a moment. I see innocence in that picture of me. Still It makes me more than sad. Its such a sad thing because these girls at the dance, my own little Mariska have no clue what its like not to have that. For that I am forever grateful. For me, it breaks my heart that so much was taken and that I couldn't dance because that is just what little girls do.

I heart your heart.
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