Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Three things I believe a person must do in Life

I found this book that talks about three things that a person must do in life.  And it was the third that made me think the most. You must do something to make the world more Beautiful.  And I think its not about money or anything else its about your heart.  What can you share with your heart to make things more beautiful not only for yourself but those that we are around each and every day. Everyday my heart hurts and everyday I walk into work smiling, I am there for my kids that I teach and for my own children .  I love every little milestone, every little accomplishment every little everything.  All those things make a person feel amazing that you are making a difference for that one student, I always want them to know that  they are seen and heard and oh so loved.

I can remember teachers that did that  and then there were those that didn't.  I remember that teacher in sixth grade that took my hand in the hall and asked how I was.  I don't remember her name but I remember that I felt important.  My first reaction was to take my hand away, did she really want to do that, but I didn't and I still remember that moment.Such a simple moment that meant so much. I see it like I was walking behind them just watching. Yea those moments.  I can remember the moment when the kids were infants just a few months old.  We were in the grocery store and I had forgotten my wallet.  So I was going to have to take them home get it and then come back and the woman behind said no I will pay for it,  and she payed for my groceries.  She said that she knew what it was like with little ones, and said her pleasure.  I think about her often,  and I wish that I was able to tell her just how awesome that was.

I can remember a time going to school in Denton there was a man with no shoes on, he was walking on crutches, and there was something inside that wanted to help  and I had nothing at the time but I went to turn around and was going to give him my shoes, at least he would have had something on his feet, but he was gone just like that.

There was a woman in front of us at Wal-Mart she was comparison shopping,  and a few of the things that she had picked up didn't match and she had the checker put them aside.  When it was my turn,  I said please put those things with my stuff, and she said she didn't pay for them I said I know I am going to pay for them and bring them to her.  So Vincent ran out to the car and said happy Friday, here are your things.  There were times I can remember doing that, and putting things back.  Its in the simplest things a bag of cheetos and some juice, it made me cry that I could do that for her.  She didn't know me, I was more than excited, and I hope she enjoyed them. There are little moments that I have experienced in life that have changed so very many things,  being able to get movers, having furniture for my house,  so many little things that really aren't little at all.

Since growing up there were not those little kindnesses, so today I notice them all.  I notice everything.   All the little things that are done, the little gestures, the little things that make life easier.  I also notice when people stop doing those little things, even if its something as small as a happy birthday on Facebook,  yes its stupid,but I notice, oh how I notice.  I think I just know how those things feel being judged, forgotten and overlooked and I want to make sure that others don't have to Feel that way.  I want to make sure that people are heard and seen and understood and cared for and loved.  So many people get busy, and they forget those little things but oh for someone like me, we don't forget, we can't because we know its like to be forgotten.  We know what is like and we want to do everything to make sure that others don't feel that. Its those little things that matter that can make a persons entire day , just by a little acknowledgement. Just by a little smile, a little note to let them know that you care.  

1. Always practice kindness it CHANGES EVERYTHING

2. Listen listen with your whole heart. People will tell you what they need, what you can do but you have to listen

3.  Make the world more BEAUTIFUL, always always

Lately writing has been rough, there are so many things to say, and I don't have a clue how to say them. I am ina place between everything and nothing. I write a little then close the blog open it delete it start another and that is how things have gone.  Not sure if its the time of year or this season but my heart aches.  I think that hanging on to this is going to make a difference no matter what , no matter what you face or how you feel always do something to make the world more beautiful. Always do something more kind, ALWayS <3 Always do that thing to make a difference in the lives of the people around you.

I heart your heart

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