I am not a joke. I know and completely understand that some even maybe all of my fears may seem completely crazy to you. Whether you understand them or not they are real to me and need to be respected. I see how crazy they are, I know and I don't need you laughing making a joke thinking its funny because it is not. It is MY FEAR and no matter how irrational that it may seem to you, its real for me VERY real. Those fears have come from very real unthinkable things. For that to be a joke hurts. Fear is in no way funny, and my fears because you don't understand them; doesn't make them any less real for me.
I would love to not care if people understood or not; but I do care. I care so very much. People do and say things all the time that hurt to my bones, people assume things and I am the one hurt in the process. I know sometimes I should speak up, but why bother when you know that who ever is on the other side isn't going to understand? Really?!? There is no point, there just isn't. I am not saying I want people to walk on egg shells that is not at all the case. I just want to be respected, I want people to think about their words and actions. My heart is fragile not china shop fragile, but still fragile. My heart needs tender loving care and great understnding that is all. I fear it may alway be like that,and if a person can't understand that, then I just don't know what to say.
I heart your heart.
Please, Please Be Gentle and Kind with Mine
Monday, February 23, 2015
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Time to take the blindfold off

Monday, February 16, 2015

So this Valentines, I am not a big fan on this day. I will try to make it special for Vincent and Mariska. I will smile pretend its another day like any other day, but there is an ache in my heart. This day was the school Valentine dance and the first time that Don showed up on my front door step and pushed his way in. And what do I do with that, I can't share it with others, there will be no one telling me that they are sorry, there will be no letting me be sad. No one making sure that I am ok. Like so much nothing will be different, I will smile enjoy my children and my heart will pretend to be fine, only its not. I am trying to be more honest with how I feel and honestly, I am not very good at knowing what it is that I feel. There are so many things to write to feel to get out of my head and I honestly don't know what to do with them. What does a person like me do? I want to share but how ?!? I want to be present and honest, and real but how? When my anniversaries are many and not of the good kind? What does a person do? You stay to yourself pretend that all is well, and wait for another new day to come. THAT is what I have to do.
I will push the memories away, I will make things special for the kids and smile, be grateful that I have them. I will make things a big deal for them, and seeing them happy is good for my heart. I don't want to be the downer for this day of love, I just would like to be acknowledged, to be seen and I am not.
People get flowers and cards on tough anniversaries, just letting them know that they are not alone, me, there is silence….my anniversaries are not the same mine don't matter, mine are not acknowledged other than silence, the kind that is deafening and that silence is loud and clear.
It's getting harder; the kids asked "why don't you like a lot of days?", and my heart breaks I am not hiding things well enough. Once an anniversary was acknowledged, and it was so special, and I am grateful, and I was seen. I won't take your whole day, I won't be a pest. I just need people to take a few seconds and ask if I am ok, maybe say a little prayer for me, anything is worth a try. My anniversaries hurt just as much, and are that much harder because they exist and everyone ignores, even when they know.
I heart your heart
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Broken Heart Syndrome
Oh my goodness, this is more than hard. I can't explain how I see the things that have happened in my life. I see them in 3-D color like they happened yesterday, that's how I see them even today. But I don't feel them, I don't feel a lot of the time actually, its more of a constant terrible ache. People ask well what do you feel; And I truly don't know. I fear that feeling will devastate me. There have been times when I have truly felt the things that happened and it felt better, it felt real, I was being honest with myself. I have come such a long way, and then I started building walls, trying to survive. I start to withdraw and go into my head. I clean and fix and hope that it will make it feel better. I often feel like the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz. There are pieces of me over there, and pieces of me over there and still more over there too far to reach. And that is exactly how I feel. I see the pictures of my past, and they are cut off from my heart and I am scared. I am scared to see them, scared to feel them scared that I may never put the pieces back together.
So I found this saying the other day:
You either walk inside your story and Own it
You stand outside your story and hustle for your worthiness
And I hate to say that is exactly where I am. I am scared to death, that I am not more than the things that have happened to me. I don't want to accept and own that those things once were my life. Those things happened, and I did survive them and by some crazy something in this life I am still breathing, and have accomplished things that I never thought were possible. I am scared and sad and on guard all the time and I am completely exhausted. I will not last much longer with the rate that I am going. It's serious, because the stress is affecting my heart. I feel the tightness, its not all the time, it comes and goes but when it comes its scary and I am terrified that one day its just going to be too much. I am ALWAYS fine, Everything is always good but REALLY it's not, I am not.
I ordered a few PTSD books trying to figure out some of the things that I do. Thinking that maybe some of the answers that I am looking for will be on those pages, of coarse it helps things make sense, but I find no answers. I want to understand why I work so hard and still see the pictures. Why I can't peacefully take a shower. Why I can't gently peacefully fall asleep Why I wake up and am frozen; I literally can't move from the fear. And in one of the books there is something called Broken Heart Syndrome. it’s a real thing, a real live thing and I can almost guarantee that is what I have. My heart is broken over what has happened and how things have been. I need people, I need someone to hold my hand and tell me that everything is going to be ok I am not giving up, but I am tired of fighting.
I am heartbroken, by the life that has been mine, I feel less than, I feel inferior, worthless. That is what I feel 95% of the time. And it hurts oh it hurts so so much. Maybe I am scared of the things that I can do if this wasn't holding me back; maybe that scares me just as much as the things that have already happened.
There is a part of me that thinks I will be a failure either way. I feel like a failure because I hold on to the past so desperately, wanting to understand wanting to make it my fault and take responsibility for it all; and I still feel it all so deeply in my soul. I work so hard trying to process everything and understand. Another part says ok stand up let go of all those evil things that have happened, it sounds so simple only it is not. And what is left? Oh yea an almost 40 year old living under someone elses' roof on food stamps, who doesn't even have a real constant job. Either way is there really a way for me to win ?
I just don't know, but I have broken heart syndrome and I just don't know what to do. I am working so hard and in the process people leave, I mean really who wants to stay around, I completely understand. I don't have people check up on me, I don't get asked for tea I don't really talk to anyone that isn't in the profession of listening. What does a person do when they are the only people that can even at least hear your story and not cringe. That can still look you in the face and not think Oh MY God! What does a person do ? Its rare if I get a real true hug; the kind where I relax and if even for a few seconds all tension fades away, I need more hugs to know that I matter.
I think probably the best friend that I have ever had is far away and says that he doesn't see the things that have happened, he doesn't see the things I have lived through and I don't understand that. Because that’s how I still see me. And there lies the problem I see me as that Victim, doing nothing letting things happen and I HATE that. I feel like I live life in between the awful of the past and the greatness of the future, I am scared to go back an scared to move forward.
You stand outside your story and hustle for your worthiness
And I hate to say that is exactly where I am. I am scared to death, that I am not more than the things that have happened to me. I don't want to accept and own that those things once were my life. Those things happened, and I did survive them and by some crazy something in this life I am still breathing, and have accomplished things that I never thought were possible. I am scared and sad and on guard all the time and I am completely exhausted. I will not last much longer with the rate that I am going. It's serious, because the stress is affecting my heart. I feel the tightness, its not all the time, it comes and goes but when it comes its scary and I am terrified that one day its just going to be too much. I am ALWAYS fine, Everything is always good but REALLY it's not, I am not.
I ordered a few PTSD books trying to figure out some of the things that I do. Thinking that maybe some of the answers that I am looking for will be on those pages, of coarse it helps things make sense, but I find no answers. I want to understand why I work so hard and still see the pictures. Why I can't peacefully take a shower. Why I can't gently peacefully fall asleep Why I wake up and am frozen; I literally can't move from the fear. And in one of the books there is something called Broken Heart Syndrome. it’s a real thing, a real live thing and I can almost guarantee that is what I have. My heart is broken over what has happened and how things have been. I need people, I need someone to hold my hand and tell me that everything is going to be ok I am not giving up, but I am tired of fighting.
I am heartbroken, by the life that has been mine, I feel less than, I feel inferior, worthless. That is what I feel 95% of the time. And it hurts oh it hurts so so much. Maybe I am scared of the things that I can do if this wasn't holding me back; maybe that scares me just as much as the things that have already happened.
There is a part of me that thinks I will be a failure either way. I feel like a failure because I hold on to the past so desperately, wanting to understand wanting to make it my fault and take responsibility for it all; and I still feel it all so deeply in my soul. I work so hard trying to process everything and understand. Another part says ok stand up let go of all those evil things that have happened, it sounds so simple only it is not. And what is left? Oh yea an almost 40 year old living under someone elses' roof on food stamps, who doesn't even have a real constant job. Either way is there really a way for me to win ?
I just don't know, but I have broken heart syndrome and I just don't know what to do. I am working so hard and in the process people leave, I mean really who wants to stay around, I completely understand. I don't have people check up on me, I don't get asked for tea I don't really talk to anyone that isn't in the profession of listening. What does a person do when they are the only people that can even at least hear your story and not cringe. That can still look you in the face and not think Oh MY God! What does a person do ? Its rare if I get a real true hug; the kind where I relax and if even for a few seconds all tension fades away, I need more hugs to know that I matter.
I think probably the best friend that I have ever had is far away and says that he doesn't see the things that have happened, he doesn't see the things I have lived through and I don't understand that. Because that’s how I still see me. And there lies the problem I see me as that Victim, doing nothing letting things happen and I HATE that. I feel like I live life in between the awful of the past and the greatness of the future, I am scared to go back an scared to move forward.
I am fighting and I am tired, my heart is weary and worried.
I heart your heart
Please help take care of mine
Friday, February 6, 2015
Things I know from a picture
Its funny the other day I was going through an old book that I had made with letters and cards from different people over the years and I found a group of pictures. Pictures that all tell a story, that all are pieces of my story.

Pictures of my journey, kind of more than amazing. kind of sad. Every picture tells a story.
Just a collection of pictures, they say so much.
Just a collection of pictures, they say so much.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Coming Full Circle : Fragile yet Full

It seems as though some things may start to come full circle for me. And I can tell you I am scared I am terrified and I feel more than lucky that I am going to get to share my story. That I am going to make a difference that my story is going to mean something. I want more than anything for people to understand, for people to listen and do things differently. I have been looking back through all the court papers this week and the information regarding my case and how I was "just a witness". The papers that say he was convicted of "Assault" the same as adult men getting into a fight, and it made me angry. It was so much more, it was my innocence that was taken. I was doing it all back then to keep a little girl safe. A little girl that I didn't even know. I just saw that little pink bike on that cold rainy day and I had to do something. I had to keep her safe, I had to protect her, because of what I knew. And because of that today I am finally going to stand up for me and I have to say that is more terrifying than what I did all those years ago standing up for a little girl who is now almost 18.
I was afraid all those years ago but there was a purpose, there was a drive in my heart to make things better for her at any cost including any cost to my own heart and soul. I was on automatic doing all the things that every DA and attorney and detective needed from me. I suffered in the process but I didn't care, I was doing the right thing. I didn't matter. People keep saying how courageous that I was and how selfless I was but to me, there was no other option. I am not braver not more courageous I just knew it was the right thing to do. But today as I prepare to in all meaning of the words go public with my story this is for me, this is to have a voice for me and that is the hardest thing in the world.
I can scream from the mountain tops for others; for little Angela for oh so many things but for my heart for me to stand up for me because its my story and it should not have happened and my father took things that were not his to take that is who I have to fight for today and that is the biggest battle that I am ever going to have to face. Fighting for myself. I am finally going to have to stand up for me. I can't tell you how terrifying that is.
It's funny this week I have realized that even eye contact is really hard for me I am still more than embarrassed and ashamed of the things that have been done, the things that I have lived through. And it really makes me sad. I do not hold my head up high and say yes that happened. I look down and I don't use real words and I am not proud of myself for making it through I am not proud that I survived and that has really got to change. I am more than ashamed that my story is what is it, and yet that is something that I can do nothing about; it happened, it was awful it changed me in ways that I can't explain and don't have words for. But I am still here; my crazy fragile tender heart is still beating.
I have been through hell and oh my goodness, somehow someway I am still breathing, I have two amazing kids and I finished college against every possible odd imaginable, and that is huge! Sometimes I will just stop and take everything in around me. The air, the trees, the birds, the sky, the people, the sounds I stop and just take it all in. By all means I should not even be alive and I AM. I am alive. I have made it and its time that I find my voice; it's easy for me to be a voice for others, but a voice for myself?!?
Do I deserve to have a voice for me, because I am just as worthy as those that I stand up for? That is a rough one, and I fight with the answer. Someday I want to be able to say with out any hesitation at all YES, I am worth just as much, even on days when I don't feel that at all, I need to know that its there that I just might not be able to see it at the moment, but its there.
It is kind of like one of my favorite sayings from Peace is every step by Thich Nhat Hanh.
I have lost my smile
But don't worry
The dandelion has it.
And I think that is where I have been most of my life, I knew that it was there and that someday I would get it back, I just didn't know when. If I was able to give that smile to others, to make them feel as though they mattered that they were important, then somehow that would be all the peace that I needed. At least if we know that it's there and something is holding it for us then there is hope. That has been my hope my entire life. And I think maybe this is my time, finding a voice not just for others but for myself. This is going to be the peace that I have been looking for every where but within my own heart.
So the next steps of my journey are going to be new and challenging and sometimes heartbreaking. My fragile heart needs space, needs kindness and lots of love and understanding. I am strong but yes still fragile. Not the kind of fragile where you walk on egg shells, but the fragile, that I need a hug, that I need you to understand, that I need you to ask if I am ok . Lately its funny I fear dealing with certain things, talking about things that I am going to fall apart that no one is ever going to be able to put the pieces back together again, but if I can survive the things that I have I am sure that I can come through this and really truly be ok, really truly be whole. In the end, I am going to find that piece of peace that was in my heart all along.
I heart you heart.
I heart you heart.
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