But the people oh the people that I have met along the way I miss them dearly.
I miss the support their encouragement.
I miss how they acknowledged my heart and what was important to me.
I miss my detective, he heard me.
I miss Sam he cared for my heart.
I miss I miss Jason he was kind.
I miss so much I miss the people that just acknowledged, just heard just listened.
I miss James, and it isn't lessening . He cried the tears I couldn't He held my hand.
I miss Neil how he held my heart .
I am tired of missing I need people here to stay.
I would not want to go through the process ever again
but I was heard, things and how I saw them were validated and I need that.
Maybe that's why I keep fighting until I feel heard all the time
I don't know,
I don't want that validation and poor me, I want the look at what you have done
Look at how you have lived and accomplished great things
maybe I shouldn't need that
I need to be checked on
I need the hard questions asked
Not every day but the hard days.
I want some to see that I am not OK that my heart hurts that
Some days most days I am not so strong and not so brave
Most days I fight like hell with all that I have.
A lot of the days I win
Some days I don't and still no one sees between the days
I am learning I think that there are going to be days
my entire life
and I need someone to see those days
those days when I can't stand the pictures
when the nightmares are running even when my eyes are open
I feel so very hard to love and I wish that I wasn't
I wish that I was liked and heard and valued
I wish
It's just who I am.
I heart your heart
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