Where does a person even start when you have known for more than some time but there comes a point where you aren't heard or acknowledged and then that's it. Did I change that much ? Did they change ? Not once did anyone ask me what happened, not once has anyone asked how I am. I was seen as the mooch and she was seen as the hero and that is how things played out. And that is not ok. No one asked or cared that I had gotten a full time job. I was not meant to be a baby sitter, no one saw that side did they. No one asked Anything at all. I have seen the writing on the wall , but I so wanted not to see it. I have been left out and said its ok, and I always had a reason, ALWAYS. I had been forgotten and said thats ok. I was there with a kind word but my words were never the ones that mattered. Its amazing how one person knows nothing about them then creeps right in and pushes you out. Some may say thats crazy, and thats ok but I see. It's so strange to have such a safe place and for it to be gone so quickly and with out any thought. They don't even see how she has crept right in and I am sure, she knew exactly what she was doing, she knew that they were my people. I think it bothers me so much because I kind of see it like my father. When someone hurts you so very much then are taken in, there is no rhyme or reason and that is part that hurts. I don't know if this is forever, but I know that my heart is broken and that doesn't seem to bother anyone and there lies the problem. I can not pretend to be fine, pretend that I still have a safe place. And this is so new, it's been there for so long. I do not know what is next. I do not know if I will ever get back what I had. Its enormously sad, and nothing like I have ever dealt with before. For me its kind of like, someone taking my father in and showing him such kindness and not asking any questions, just pretending that there is no damage. I am not telling people what friends to have. I am saying that its not ok when that person has hurt you so deeply and everyone pretends that it didn't happen and then I am the one left outside looking in. That is the problem, because they were mine once. They were my people, and I am not sure that they will ever understand and that is the pain that cuts like a knife.
I will always heart your heart.
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