I feel like this is where I am. There is a lot of pretending and little being me. There are so many things that just need the light of day, they need and want to get out of my head and heart. I think that there are a lot of things that I am afraid to write that they will sound stupid, they will hurt to much they will make me even more of a loner in this life. I am afraid to write about the anger that I feel about the life that I have lived. The unfairness the injustices. I fear it sounded like oh poor me when that is the last thing that I want to do. I think it goes back to I have a happy personality and a sad soul. I think I need to learn to navigate that. I am a happy person I love being a mom and a teacher and yet there is always that part that longing part that grief that deep deep pain that is heavy on my heart. I think I am doing better. I am understanding more and I think even more happy comes from that understanding. I think there will always be these two parts of me. And the sad is not saying that I will never be happy I think its just the acknowledgement that that things were awful terrible for a really long time and I am doing everything that I possibly can today to unlearn all the awful terrible that I was taught to believe about myself. I think that knowing that there is a part of me that is never going to totally let the past go is almost a relief. When you work for so long towards something like totally freedom from the past, then realize you know this is always going to be a part of me, this is always going to be the pieces that have gotten me here today.

I heart your heart.
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