Monday, July 13, 2020

Nobody Knows I am here

I watched this movie on Netflix last night.  Nobody Knows I'm here.  And just the title hit me like a ton of bricks.  I am not noticed, I am most often not thought of or acknowledged.  In this movie this little boy is an amazing singer, yet doesn't have the look to go with it.  So his father makes a deal with the producer for just his voice, while the producer finds a body that he believes goes with the voice.  So the boy gets sent away, to an island far away where he basically stops speaking.  He believes that he isn't good enough and in so many ways he stops living.  What made him happy, what brought him joy was his voice, performing. So all the things that he loved were taken away, and he was left to fend for himself.

Again I watched another movie where a girl is attacked and she is the one that is sent away.  She is the one that was so greatly hurt and her father says that he can't bare to look at her anymore because it just hurts to much. There isn't much of a choice and she begins to rebuild,  never forgetting where she came from and often reaching out even when no one was there to hear her.  In the end she reconnects with her family and says its like this was always meant to be,  and they all reconnected. 

Then there is me.  Just both those movies totally struck a chord.  Me, Basically I am on my own. I have been left to figure things out, and hope for the best.  I know that I have come a long way doing that, when comes the time that I am at the end of my rope and can't do it on my own anymore ?  When does the time come, for that drastic move that will make everything ok ?  I just want to be important.  I want to be able to share the things that are in my head.  I was thinking back to my Collin County College Days and that Guy that smiled when I said save the whales.  How he held the door open for me and ran to open the door before class.  There was Scott who stood up for me.  We would talk after class and we liked the same movies, we enjoyed the same things.  He stood up for me in class when I had a differing opinion about Easter, No one stood up for me like that. Those are two people that I will honestly never forget.  Like I got to share part of me with them and it felt so good. 

I feel like there has to be a place for me to do that.  To share who I am and the things that I am passionate about and the things that make me, ME.  I not talking love or anything romantic just to be valued and seen and to feel like I matter. Like I have something important to say and people to want to hear it.  There has to be a place for me somewhere in this world where I can share and be heard.  There has to be people whose time I won't waste,  who I wouldn't be a burden too.  There has got to be someone outside these walls that knows I am here ? 

I heart your heart

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