Sunday, August 31, 2014
Meant To Be
After these last few weeks that were exceptionally hard I am trying to recover my heart, trying to remember to breathe to let my heart beat easy. I am carrying a lighter load then ever but still there are times its crushing and that was these last few weeks. As sure as I am trying; I know that these are the things that were Meant to be. I was meant to be a mom, I was meant to be a teacher and I was even meant to be here in Plano. And dare I say it, I think I just might belong at Gateway. And I can tell you without question that I don't understand any of this. I don't understand the hurt and the pain, I don't understand this crazy journey of mine at all.....but things will work out for the sheer fact that they have too.
For me to be a mom is one of the biggest gifts. Oh I love them more than my own life. If it wasn't for that day, I wouldn't have them, they wouldn't be Vincent and Mariska and that would be terribly sad. Oh they have the most amazing hearts and they are going to do great things. They love with all that they have. Their kindness to others, to the picked on, to the defenceless, to the smallest of the small is incredible. They are going to go way beyond anything that I have ever done and I get to guide them in this world. They know with out a doubt that I love them with my whole heart , I love them and will keep them safe and sound. I get frustrated because of the burdens that they have to bare but I have to hope and pray that we will always be open and that they will share their heart and I can be honest and true and let the love I have guide me to the answers to ease their heart. People say I could have made a different choice that many women would have but for me, this was one of those things in life that wasn't a choice. I was meant to be a mom, to be their mom and the three of us make quite a team. I understand that they long for a father, and they are making that very known lately, I hope that with time, a kind gentle man can come into their lives and be that strong support that they need. When that time comes I have to know that they will be safe and that this man won't harm them but will care for their heart and keep them safe like nothing I have known. Safety is big, where I had none. I worry about them at school, when they ride their bike, when they are not with me. I will not fail too notice and I have to trust that there are others in this world that will also notice and act. They are growing up, I can not believe that they are already 10 years old. They have questions about my life, that they are trying o understand. There are times there is a gentleness in them asking questions about my life, to have my life is one thing but for it to affect your children is something different. Somehow, someway this is all going to turn into something amazing.
To be a teacher. Oh being a teacher is in my bones. I am so alive when I am in the classroom. I do not understand why I do not have my own class yet, but I know that big things are coming; I know that because they have too. Even being in a Music class these next few weeks, with no lessons no materials no admin support I am making it work, and it has been amazing. I love greeting those little faces each class, and seeing them, and not just looking at them but I see them and that makes a difference. I may have some opportunities to speak that I would not have if I were already in a classroom. There are ways that my story can help, and I have to do that. To get to share my views as a victim and get others to understand their power and how they can help, that is important, that is life changing. To speak with Law Enforcement, and professionals who deal with people like me ALL THE TIME, letting them know how they can make a difference, that would be powerful and life changing. I am ready to stand on the mountaintop, and say my truth. My story comes into play ALL THE TIME, it just does and instead of counting that against me, maybe I need to start seeing it a little different. Maybe this year is my opportunity for that. I know that the perfect Job is out there for me, and I will keep sending my resume out, keep emailing, not caring if I am being a pest or not. I was meant to teach, I was meant to notice little hearts. The place where I can do the most good just hasn’t opened up for me yet. Please don't take that as I am waiting I will take almost anything while I am waiting but I know there is that perfect place where I fit where I will be at home. I admit that it has been discouraging going on interviews second interviews then hearing nothing. When I am ignored by administration But then I hear other teachers tell me that I am good, that I should be in the classroom, that the kids enjoy me as their teacher and I know that I have to listen to my heart on this one. I was meant to teach, I was meant to make a difference. And that is exactly where I am headed.
To be in Plano. This just might be the biggest gift that I have ever received, in about a week; it will have been a year since I moved here. I sometimes feel like a leech, as if I am not productive enough, not working hard enough, I worry that I am in the way. Nevertheless, I have to say, I have never felt more at home. You know that feeling when things are comfortable, when you are wanted when you are cared for, I have that in Plano. There isn't even a word for just how grateful that I am. My heart has been heard, my heart is usually listened too. I have room to heal here in the last year, and of coarse, there is more to do, but the fact that it was even possible is a blessing. There is lots of laughing, lots of shaking out heads, lots of rearranging, and so much love. Truman has Vincent and Mariska and they have him. Vincent and Mariska are going to a school that they love, where they fit right in, and are getting opportunities that I could never have imagined. I am cared for here, as I have never been cared for. I m supported like I have never known and its amazing. I worry that I am a bother and that comes from me, from what I have experienced in the past, but today, I have to sit in the fact that being taken care of is something that is ok for right now. I want to do it all on my own, more than you can imagine and the fact is that right now that isn't an option. I am doing all that I can and getting stronger and my day is coming. The people that I have met, the things that I have gotten to experience here have made life-changing differences for me, and that is something miraculous. Being here in Plano is my miracle. I hope that maybe in some small way I might be helping, giving back oh how I hope.
And then there is Gateway. I don't know for sure, if this is where I am supposed to be but then at the same time I do. People said oh just go try different churches, check them out. That just is not me. I have stepped out of the box many times over this past year. I have gotten way out of my comfort zone and grown a lot. However, there are still areas that I guard my heart with walls and barbed wire. And Church is one of those things. Church is complicated for me, and it’s tangled in so much of how I grew up. I have done lots of unraveling to a place where I believe in God with my whole heart but there is lot of unraveling left to do. I had the chance to speak with Pastor Blake this week and he is kind, and caring and all the things that I am looking for. He called my children precious and that meant the world. He shares from his heart and is genuine. He does not pretend to know all the answers but will show you how to make sense out of the senseless. I am not ready to call this place my home yet. It is not like when I went to the corners but I a not in the same place either; I need different things now than I did then. I want so much for this church to understand my questions and know that I am going to need a lot of patience and tons of kindness. My doubt is not that I don't believe my doubt is that ...well that is it I don't even know. I want to have faith and believe and maybe jut maybe this is a place where it can grow and flourish. There was so much to say in my meeting with him and I am sure I sounded crazy. I was nervous and wanted to run, but I did not. My children fit there and that is important. We all know that I am not the joiner and that this is more than difficult for me, I am terrified and even going this morning, I am terrified. But I need to find out if this is my home, and exactly where I am meant to be. All these things are the hope that things are getting better, that things happen for a reason and that I will be ok, truly truly.
I heart your heart.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
It's not fair
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
This year, this day seems to be hitting me harder than normal. I don't know why its hitting me so hard it just is, and I want to scream at the world to stop for just a little while. I need a break, I want to crawl in a hole until it blows over and I can come out free and whole. The kids are getting older and asking questions, I am sure that’s part of it. I think its a lot of little things that have added up, and its hard. This year its more about me. Because I know that Vincent and Mariska are taken care of. Their little hearts are cared for and they don't have every want but they know that I love them with out a doubt. I know that the time is coming for the focus to be on them and to make sure that their questions are answered and their heart is cared for. Right now, this day I am worried about mine. Its not fine and it definitely is not ok. My heart ; its heavy and broken and sorrowful.
I have really been enjoying my children, the little things that make them who they are things they love, things they do, their little mannerisms that make me smile. And I think the part that breaks my heart is that the crime that was committed gave me my two biggest blessings. And trying to find rhyme or reason to that is futile. I can ask questions all day long and there will be no answers. I have said a million times a million I would do it all again to have my children. My children are absolutely the biggest blessings ever in my life. I don't want it to seem that I am not grateful for them each and every day. What bothers me is their kind tender little souls will someday have to learn about the evil that happened to their mom. That is the hard part, and they were a result of that evil .....that is gut wrenching, that is unthinkable. Its easy for me to separate them from that day. It happened, and I tried to gather all the broken pieces, for two weeks. I cried and just couldn't understand why again, what was wrong with me?!? Then after two weeks and feeling like I had the flu, oh I was so sick and a girl at work laughed and said girl you are pregnant. That thought never crossed my mind.....So I took the test and I waited and I saw two pink lines and I was in shock, and I laid on the floor and cried with my dog Rizzo. I knew that nothing would ever be the same. In these moments, things changed, I swept the broken pieces under the rug, because I was going to be a mom. In that instant nothing else mattered, absolutely nothing. They are my most amazing children that bring me joy, bring me life, bring me peace that I never thought I would have.
But this day before they were even in the picture, before they were conceived is the part that kills me, that tears at my soul, the day that I wanted to be normal that I wasn't listened too and I was assaulted. The part where the broken pieces are, the ones that I swept under the rug about what happened to me, those are the pieces that tear at my heart. I don't even have the words to how difficult this is, its unthinkable, heart wrenching, terribly sad that I had to experience that day, that Charles took what wasn't his to take. Its hard to acknowledge the pain, when I have these two most amazing people in my life because of that pain. As wonderful as they are and all the happiness that they bring, there is a sadness, and that is the part that I want to understand. Without that crime, with out those pieces I wouldn't be the person that I am today. There are no nice neat boxes for dealing with something like this, and oh how I wish that there were. But its messy, its scary, and makes you realize just how fragile that life is. One moment I was being raped, the next I was becoming a mother.
There was a time when I wanted my children to think that he wasn't a bad guy, he wasn't evil he just didn't listen to me. And as I began to look more closely, it was so much more, he knew what he was doing, I believe that when he came to my house he knew what he was going to do. He never had any plans to take me shopping. And oh that’s all I wanted, I remember taking a shower being excited wondering where we were going to go, I believed that I was going to help him, I believed that I was going to spend the day with a good guy. I was going to laugh and help, and pick out clothes for his trip to Afghanistan. He had a good job he worked at Raytheon in McKinney, and was doing some contract work. I mean really why in the world, would he want me to go shopping with him?!?! But then that thought never crossed my mind, I was going to be normal and in that, I turned off all reason, ignored every red flag, and was like that little girl getting ready for a date. I get angry at myself, I can remember the excitement that I felt that morning. Think of a first date, I have never had one but I imagine this is what it would be like, I was that excited. He was late, said that he got lost. I said that was ok, he smelled of cologne and smoke.. He was tall so much taller than me, I think I gave him a hug, there was a stiffness to him, not kind, he had intentions that I knew nothing about, I was ready to go, he was not. And how we ended up in my room, I don't know. I remember talking about a mobile of birds that I had above my door, it is said that it kept evil spirits and bad men away. I guess not.....mine must have been broken.
My mind was on overload, I know that I wanted to go shopping but things didn't seem to be going that way, I can remember feeling scared and I ignored it. I think there was a piece of my heart that knew, and I just didn't want it to be true... I wanted normal, not rape. I wanted shopping, and laughing that is what I wanted. I tried so hard to believe that, it never happened. He went through the motions and I don't even know . He knew exactly what he wanted, exactly what he was doing. The more I pleaded, the more he ignored, and the moment it changed and the moment I gave up was when that orange pillow fell on my face, because I knew what was going to happen, I knew what I was good for. That was the moment, the moment when you can't believe what is happening, what is being taken and your body is there, but your soul can't be there, can't understand what/why/ how is this happening and that moment is the most helpless, terrible moment because there is absolutely nothing that you can do. Its totally completely shattering. That is the part that I hold in my hands, today, 11 years later, those broken, shattered and slivered pieces. I am more than trying to make them all fit back together into something that is precious, and pretty again. That is where I am today. Loving my children and all that they are but sad for the things that tear at my heart, that morning when all I wanted was normal.
I heart your heart.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
11 years, 574 weeks ,4015 days AGO....

I heart your heart.
Monday, August 11, 2014
When you don't know the little things or the big things
Once again I watched Captain Phillips and cried and those last few minutes are something so close to my heart that I can understand. Those few minutes when he realizes that he is safe, its more than powerful. That for me is indescribable in those moments after the worst attacks there are no words, I would not have even been able to speak. I think about the time with my father that I couldn't stop crying, there were no words, I wanted to speak but I couldn't the shock, the fear, the pain it was all too overwhelming. Then I think about the gang rape, No words I just tried to fix the fringe if I could just do that everything would be fine make everything like it was 18 hours before then all would be well. And then I think about being in the police station when I pressed charges and I was asked what my address was growing up and I couldn't tell you. All that happened in that house the years and years that I lived there and I could not remember the address. My detective was amazing, kept reassuring me that it was ok but ... for me it wasn't ok....
It wasn't . It wasn't ok and nothing that I had ever experienced was ok. My heart is broken and I couldn't even remember the simple things and people expected me to cry and carry on and give them details!!!! I didn't have the words ....and no one wanted to truly hear them anyway. Today there are still times that I don't have any words, and I don't understand after all this time
H does a girl of 5, 8 13, 28 do that ? This was my life. This was my life.
Its crazy that even sometimes being an adult I will get asked a question and I know the answer I know the words but in my head there is a silence, there is some golden rule that keeps a person quite that somehow puts a lock and key on my lips that keeps the words from coming out and that is if there are words. Often there are no words its silence and pictures and memories. Oh the memories, at any given day there are lots of them sometimes my father, sometimes, Albert , most of the time its Don and them. And that is all when my eyes are open, it gets worse when they are closed.
I am not kind to myself. I am angry that my heart still hurts angry that i can't just get over it. Angry that it is taking me so long to heal, that I still see the pictures of the things that have happened. I am angry at God, Angry at the people around me who ignored, angry that even though I didn't speak no one noticed either. I am angry that I can't do this on my own, that I need others to walk with me and help me along.
Even living in this most amazing house, I feel like a leech and I don't understand why I am not getting calls for jobs. I am doing the right things. I don't understand why I am not yet employed. I feel like there is always something with me and I can't catch my breath. I don't have words for most of my life, it is beyond understanding and I get glimpses of good things and I would like for them to last. I don't want easy I want doable. I do the work I just need the chance. Some pieces are falling into place and just a few more things will be better, I will feel like a productive member of society.
Sorry this one is a bunch of random that is everything in my head....there are so many things heavy on my mind; I am absolutely exhausted. There is little sleep lots of nightmares when I do sleep, and the worry that I am being a pest, that I am a leech and not doing the things that I need to do. People are talking about redoing their kitchen and I feel like I am in he way. I feel like I am always fighting, and I am so tired. I want my own class. And not fifth grade. I would do it, I would be good I would care for their hearts, but I can tell you it would take a toll on mine. Fifth grade was incredibly hard and being around that everyday would be really hard again I would be fine, but it would take its toll, a huge toll. It would take a toll hat I am sure people would not understand, I know that fifth grade is not the place for me.
I feel like there is so much that I don't know right now. The little things, the big things I don't know. I don't even have a clue what’s next but one foot in front of the other I am trying to believe that everything happens for a reason and I don't have a clue what that is, but I hope that soon really soon it will get a little clearer. And soon maybe, hopefully sooner than later I will have a clue and move forward. I need a place to call my own, a place to be proud of and full of all my beautiful things, soon. A place for my family to have people over a place that makes my heart happy that I can provide . I am doing the right things I just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other, in front of the other, and good things will happen. It has too.
Nobody heard him, The dead man
But still he lay moaning.
I was much further out than you thought, and
not waving but drowning.
I was much too far out all my life,
And not waving but drowning.
Yes that right there, that is pretty powerful. I always say fine. If you ask how I am I say I am fine. Whether I am or not, that is my response, I have learned from experience people don't really want to hear if you are good or not. They may ask but people genuinely do not want to hear the answer. Sure not a problem that is fine. Ha get it that’s fine only its not really fine at all. And probably about as far from fine as it gets. Well at least for me. I say fine because nine times out of ten there is absolutely nothing that you can do my heart hurts and I just have to deal with it, I just need patience and time. But on that tenth time when I am not ok, those are the big ones because if you can see with your own eyes that fine really isn't what is happening then its time for back up. I say fine because how can I explain the things that are happening in my heart. I can't, so I say that I am fine. Do not take my fine to mean that everything is fine and I don't need a thing. People think I am waving, I promise that I am not. People do that all the time in the world. They ask in passing not caring to find out and that’s ok we can't be everyone’s best friend, something I heard that I will never ever forget. We do it as a courtesy, for something to say, and as a courtesy for something to say I say fine and smile. We all do it. For some things are not so fine and are crumbling inside.
With the job in Plainview and not understanding what I was supposed to do and what the right answers are, I got a lot of people telling me that I was fine, that I would be fine that things were fine and it was more than frustrating. BECAUSE That is the problem, I am always fine even in those moments when I am not. I know its confusing and frustrating believe me I live it. But I was getting so frustrated , I was voicing my concerns and the things that I was worried about and because I am always fine, their answer was oh "you will do fine there". And I would, I would be fine, I would love my job and my class of kids and I would do an amazing job but my heart would not have been so fine there, for that I know for sure. Such a bind sure I would be fine, I would survive, but there would be no room to thrive.
SO my entire life, I just did what I had to do I survived everything. And sure I paid the price, but personally, my heart paid the price and I don't want to pay that price anymore because its taking its toll. I am really good a lot of the time but there are days that I am not and I can't keep pretending that I am fine. I have survived everything but its time to move from surviving to thriving. I want to be be not just fine, I want to be good even great and I want to thrive and enjoy and grow in the good things. And I am doing that, I truly am, but there are rough days really rough days and I am working on it all and doing life the best way that I know how.
Survive to thrive. Survive to thrive. YES !! This.
Yes, that is exactly what I want. And its true those are the things that I am going to have to keep working on, because I can tell you it takes a whole heck of a lot of work, pain, tears guts strength and courage to be able to do that. And I do it every single day. Some days better than others but I DO IT. Sometime its not pretty not fun, but I keep going and maybe I need to give myself a little slack, just a little, When you see fine, I am shaking in my bones. So if I wave; wave say hello, and walk the other way but don't assume that I am fine, I am just waving.
With the job in Plainview and not understanding what I was supposed to do and what the right answers are, I got a lot of people telling me that I was fine, that I would be fine that things were fine and it was more than frustrating. BECAUSE That is the problem, I am always fine even in those moments when I am not. I know its confusing and frustrating believe me I live it. But I was getting so frustrated , I was voicing my concerns and the things that I was worried about and because I am always fine, their answer was oh "you will do fine there". And I would, I would be fine, I would love my job and my class of kids and I would do an amazing job but my heart would not have been so fine there, for that I know for sure. Such a bind sure I would be fine, I would survive, but there would be no room to thrive.
SO my entire life, I just did what I had to do I survived everything. And sure I paid the price, but personally, my heart paid the price and I don't want to pay that price anymore because its taking its toll. I am really good a lot of the time but there are days that I am not and I can't keep pretending that I am fine. I have survived everything but its time to move from surviving to thriving. I want to be be not just fine, I want to be good even great and I want to thrive and enjoy and grow in the good things. And I am doing that, I truly am, but there are rough days really rough days and I am working on it all and doing life the best way that I know how.
Survive to thrive. Survive to thrive. YES !! This.
Yes, that is exactly what I want. And its true those are the things that I am going to have to keep working on, because I can tell you it takes a whole heck of a lot of work, pain, tears guts strength and courage to be able to do that. And I do it every single day. Some days better than others but I DO IT. Sometime its not pretty not fun, but I keep going and maybe I need to give myself a little slack, just a little, When you see fine, I am shaking in my bones. So if I wave; wave say hello, and walk the other way but don't assume that I am fine, I am just waving.
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
You don't know what you don't know Callahan.
I heart your heart.
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