Sunday, July 31, 2016

10 7 5

So I heard this this morning and how telling that it is.  So I think that I am going to try. I mean really should it be so difficult, well yes I do believe that it is more difficult than it looks.

10 life defining moments .

7 choices that I have made

5 people that have made a huge impact on who I am.

I can't put it in one post that would be more of a book so I will split them up and lets see what happens.

Defining Moments , OK so there are 11 that's OK right :)

1.  Praying at 5 to die, because you didn't want to wake up and endure another day.

2.  The night that I couldn't stop crying, and woke up my father.

3.  The night that I woke up and had to hold his cross.

4. The moment that I knew no one was going to help me , I was on my own

5.  Albert killed my tadpoles

6.  Pressing charges /Det Plemmons

7.   Testifying for Angela

8. Charles

9. My children

10. James holding my hand

11.  James coming for my graduation


7 Choices that I have made

1. To continue with school

2.  To keep fighting , always

3. To prosecute Bob

4. To be a mom

5. To go to DC, participate in a documentary about going through the court system

6. Continue counseling

7. Allowing my mother back in my life


5 most influential people

1. Bob

2. Albert

3. Det Plemmons / Sam

4. James

5. Valerie and Neil

So here is the short list , more to come.    My life how crazy unbelievable it has been.

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