There are so many things to say about this. These are the things that I want to know. Yes, how is your heart. Because that is just me. I want people to ask how is your heart today. And in this busy world this is a question that doesn't get asked that gets overlooked that screams to be heard. I know mine is screaming to be heard. There are so many things that don't matter words that are spoken and not even heard words that are dying to be spoken and never given breath, Words should be spoken heard and valued. That will always lead to the question how is your heart.
I don't like the surface conversations the words with no meaning. I want to get to the heart no really how are you. I think if people truly asked those questions, we would be in a much better place in this world. I wish that more people would ask how is your heart? And be ok with whatever the answer was and not ignore not try to push anything away but just let things be. My heart is often sad and needs lots , I know that but as needy as my heart is I will give everything that I can. I care oh so much and want that for myself sometimes. I want someone to ask about my heart and be ok with how ever it is. Whether its sad, happy, or hurt. I know that things get old and I try not to be burden, there are just things that never go away that are a part of who I am . Yes there are good days, great days and sometimes bad but they all matter. I know my heart is needy, I try not to be I try harder than you know not to be but IT IS. It takes a special kind of person to ask yes, hows your heart and be prepared for the answer. So I keep looking, keep healing and am grateful for those I have that do hold my heart.
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