I was in the book store looking for pictures for my journals. Then that perfect picture !!!! I find that picture and think that is it, that is how I am feeling. I am feeling more than defeated. I feel like I am behind the ball and feeling more than needy. I feel like I need someone to just take over, hold me for some time until I can feel safe and sound and heard and not so needy. I am not seven sure that I have words. This picture is everything right now, everything in my heart that I just need a break I just need to know that I am not less than. I need to know that I matter that its ok that my heart this bad sometimes. I need to know that I have a place to rest and recover. I need to know there someone will catch me when I fall until I feel strong enough on my own. This. This picture it brings tears to my eyes and makes me want to cry because there with my head resting on that shoulder I need some rest I need a time when I have to focus on resting because the weight that I carry is dreadfully heavy and my knees are beginning to buckle. I can not fight, I can not laugh I can not even , get out of my own head. I just need that safety. I feel like I can't keep up appearances anymore, can't keep pretending that all is well and its kind of like someone finding you out. There isn't enough of me and I need someone, a hero to step up for me for a time because that girl, that lifeless girl needs so much, and I am not sure how to ask.
I heart your heart . Sweet Girl, someday things won't be so heavy . I promise.
I continually get my heart hurt by a group of women that I on't belong to and I really need to stop. I know that its not that I want to be part of that group its all about not being included. I get upset because it totally feels like I was drop kicked to the curb and that is the hard part. I am sure that the hard part is that for a time a few of those people were my people. Then all the sudden someone else became more important. Maybe they were always the goal and I was just there. I don't know but any way that you look at it it hurts. I am tired of feeling bad that I don't get included that I don't believe like they do. Great Go on supporting each other because you are not there for me and weren't when I needed someone the most. One of the women was always being checked on , being cared about and not once was I checked on. Not even the smallest are you OK. There was always a double standard, that I never understood. I was viewed as the leech and she was everything perfect and grieving. No one asked how I was treated and I will never understand that , ever. I was not asked if things were ok for me, I was just supposed to be grateful. I was grateful every single second. Even when I was expected to take on other children .I was grateful when we had to eat dinner in the car because she was hanging with boyfriends on the couch. I was grateful, when my heart was breaking trying to care for my own children and hers. I was always grateful and no one asked how I was. I was always grateful when I got a job and still took on other children. I would invite someone for dinner and then be left behind. I would take everything on for weeks at a time, for vacations with friends. No one asked how I was. I just have to shut that door. Glad they all have each other and I sure hope that no one gets treated the way that I was when in the world all I needed was a friend. It will always hurt getting kicked to the curb, but I can't let that win. I will always include others not exclude them. They all believe the same, and that is fine. I am not less than because I don't. I don't believe like they do and they have given me no reason to. If the things they stand for allow a person to be treated as I have, then no thank you ever. If they talk about something so powerful yet behave the way they do, then no thank you. If believing is what they represent then I need to be far from that. If what they represent is believing then that is one group I never want to be a part of. So here's to closed doors and believing in myself and the things that I believe in . To being strong , to standing up for myself and being with people that I can share my passion with and be proud of who I am. I am me, that is all I have. I am not going to let them win, I am not the poor girl and I am not that girl that is less than them because I am different. I always felt less than and that is not ok. I am not less than just different. I am my own person and believe things that make my heart happy, that bring me joy that help others because that is who I am. They seek answers from one source, that they believe to be everything and I have another, and that is a great thing about me. There was a time I tried to fit, but I never did and I don't to. My view from this closed door is quite beautiful and I would not be doing things any other way.
I am grateful to those who love me just for me exactly where I am.
Yes. Tonight I had another realization that Everything with my mother is a competition. It was with my father, my weight, it was the entire time growing up. It is with my son and even with My house to this very day. Everything, every every everything is a competition. What does a daughter do with that? It's so outside of the relationship I have with my own daughter, that I can not even imagine. We are not in the race I am her coach and the one that wants so much for her. That has never been the case for me. My mother and I have always been equals in the same race. Letting that sink in that my mother and I have been equals, we have always been that way. My entire life I have been running the same race as my mother. That is so hard to write, to comprehend to even wrap my head around. I never had a coach on the sideline, I never had that encouragement,that person who I knew was always on my side. I was just expected to survive. I hope that in realizing this, somethings will start to make sense for me, maybe something will click and I will better understand. Maybe it will make living with her today that much easier, it has to really because I am drowning in that competition.
It's so hard because, its just recently that I realized there was a competition thing between us. I am one of the most un-competitive people you will ever meet. It's just not who I am. I don't care who comes first I want everyone to be happy and healthy. I want everyone to be cared for and be safe. I do that making myself last sometimes but oh well. I do believe that my mother wants all of those same things only she makes herself first. And that is a huge difference and a place where the struggle is humongous. I just don't understand wanting things at the detriment of others. And she doesn't even see that detriment. I mean it has literally been like this my entire life. I can still see so clearly, them, my parents standing in the kitchen. He was kissing her staring at me, and I felt terrible. I felt terrible for my mother knowing what she was going to have to do. I can remember his beaty eyes and laughing looking at me. I can remember that he called it a sandwich. And he laughed and joked that he wanted to make a sandwich, and I remember him going down the hall to their room. I don't remember what I said to my mother but she said that she had to make him happy and would be out in a few minutes. My heart literally breaks writing this. I think that my little brain was more than confused. I was being left on my own, so worried about her and yet there was no one worried about me. I remember it being the weekend. And I would watch the lone ranger and the rifleman I would lie right in front of the big console Curtis Mathis TV, my mind being everywhere, wanting it to end. Wanting more than anything for my mom to come out so I could make sure she was safe. It felt like forever. And then She would come out into the living room while he slept. And I never understood how she just pretended that everything was fine. In my little mind he was hurting her. I remember there being so much anger there, I just wanted to be safe; to feel that I was safe but I didn't. I never felt safe Then later he would come out of the bedroom, usually in his underwear and he would stare at me like see this is how its supposed to be its not a big deal. My poor little brain, I was absolutely confused tying to fit all this craziness into some sort of normal. There was no competition, she was married to him, her choice. I was his daughter and I hated every second of it. How in the world was I seen as competition for her??? . I think of so many different circumstances and I so wanted her to save me, to make things better to see and hear the things that I couldn't say and there was nothing. I was left on my own. I so wonder what was in her head when we would go to bed at the same time and I went n her bed. That was never my choice. The night I couldn't stop crying . I was 5, but the weight that I carried. The tears just wouldn't stop it was a completed rape that night and my little body was in unimaginable pain, and she was in my room but still I was all alone. Even her being there trying to console me, I felt like she wasn't there I knew he wasn't far away, I was more than terrified. Then he did show up they fought then I was left. I needed someone to pick me up hold me tell me I was ok. Tell me I was safe, but instead I was left tearing up my tissues until there was literally nothing left of me or those Kleenex. I knew I was not important, because she had to go make him happy. I see that watching from somewhere else in the room still and I can not make sense. A part of my brain understands and knows another part of my brain is like what in the hell were these adults doing. I see it as clear as sitting here at my computer. To this very day at almost 45 years old, I see it all happening to little Callahan. I have all these adult thoughts and I want to jump in make everything OK. I want to save her. I want to pick her up and run as far away as we can so she can rest; so she can heal so that little Callahan knows someone saw her and someone did something. This is a new level of heartbreaking. How in the world little callahan ever survive?? She did but Barely.
Even later in life, its always been the same. I got really skinny I had lost 125 pounds and there was no support no encouragement. I was going to get a trainer and I talked to her about it and she said what a waste of money that it was blah blah blah. Nothing kind and caring. I can even remember eating lunch at the table and my brother snorting at me like a pig and I was I think a size 6 and she laughed. He was not told to stop t not redirected. I was just the laughing stock of the table. So I got up tears streaming threw my lunch away and left the room. There was no care , or concern . No one was worried about my heart. Then a few weeks later she went and got a trainer and started this gym thing and was in my face about it. It was like look at me look at me. I didn't have a word to say.
When I decided to pres charges, I remember the flowers that she gave me, the next day when I told her that my uncle wasn't the only one he hurt. They were beautiful and for a second I felt like I mattered. As my case progressed, there was nothing. After close to two years when we were finally going to trial, and they had the witnesses come to the DA's office. It was my mother, me and my brother. The DA started asking me about specific abuse. I think I was in a state of shock. I had never said those words out-loud to my mother. She asked and he forced you into oral sex, and started talking about number of times and I shrank ten sizes not believing she had said that with them in the room. I answered and the DA kept asking questions, going over my statement. Talking about all the ways I was violated, Once again there was nothing, I was alone in my sadness. That DA said out-loud the exact words and nothing nothing for this heart. I was more alone in that room than a person can imagine.
When I was going through the court system, after my own case trying to keep Angela safe there was no support, I can remember getting back from Boston for the first time. We were standing there in Baggage claim. My head was spinning about keeping Angela safe, I didn't get to testify, her case was rescheduled. There was so much and she hugged me, but there was nothing. I was standing there in my own world, she couldn't understand where I had been or what I was going through.
I can think about times when the kids were little and I would put something where it always was and she would come through and change it, I always felt like she was trying to prove that she was better, she knew better . It's hard to put into words. I have never felt like she was there wanting me to accomplish great things, wanting me to succeed and have a great life, that was something I never felt from her ever.
That competition has never stopped, even today with my own Son she has to give him what he wants be the favorite. She will stick up for him regardless of the situation or whose heart is getting broken. She has to compete with me, she is the friend and makes me the bad guy all the time. She is the keeper of secrets and I don't know how to stop that.
I want so much to understand, and I am not sure that I can. I want to be open tell her how I am but almost 45 years of that kind of not listening, that competition, that not being important and it just doesn't work for me. My heart is fragile and not ready to be opened up to anything else. I want my heart to be cared for and I am not sure she can. So unlovable yes. I do believe that is it. Not sure I have felt that from her. I don't know. Maybe every now and then but mostly like I was in a race that I knew wasn't possible to win.
Tuesday was the day. It was the day I had a time and place that was mine. I always looked forward to feeling like I mattered, to getting a hug that for even a few seconds made me feel not so broken. I looked forward to that Monday night reminder email, that someone chose to stay just for me. In this place my feelings were heard, my heart was cared for and my soul didn't have to fight to be heard because it just was. Tuesdays were hard, but for that time I didn't feel so alone. I didn't feel like a burden. For all these reasons Tuesday was my day, my most favorite day.
I kept going day after day knowing Tuesday was coming, because that was my day. In the beginning it wasn't really mine until one day just like that he said, so lets make this your day and time, and he smiled and said how would you like that. My heart smiled, I finally had a place. He Lifted his glasses and put it on his calendar. And so it became my space, just for me to heal this hurt heart of mine.
So Last night right on schedule, I got my email, my appointment reminder and the tears began to stream down my face. that reminder always made my heart smile. Because Tuesday was a day when I could just be. That email was a reminder of so many things that don't have words, and all the things a person like me desperately needs.
I do miss my Tuesday place, more than anyone can imagine. I know this is just a season and I still have that place. I know this is a time to shelter in place; a time to be safe. I know in my head, that place is still there and one day soon I will have my Tuesday again. Where little Callahan is safe and heard and yes so safe. Someday soon, I just want my Tuesday back.
I think this is more important than I have ever imagined. There was a time when people told me to get over it to put it away and I beat myself up for not being able to do that. I know just how long ago that it was; I know just how many years have passed yet there are parts of my heart that are still so affected and so sad. I am coming to a place where I am tired of others placing that trauma time stamp on my life and the things that I have been through. Should I be over them maybe but they should have never happened in the first place. Absolutely, I am more than angry. Should I have been cared for and loved along the way making healing easier; YES. When those things don't happen it takes longer even lifetimes and I fight that every single day. It's those people that make you feel terrible for still being so hurt that do the most damage. The comments like well "unless anything else has happened to you" implying that you should be over the violence in your past. That surely something else happened to still be so affected ??? The comments like it sucks to be you. The panic and dread when you are called for Jury duty. I am coming to learn new things all the time and some are great and some are rough.
I am learning the "done" that I once hoped for, is something that is not likely, or even possible. I am learning that there are just going to be some people that can not handle the life that is mine. There are going to be some people, that no matter how much I want them to understand and be present for me they just can't. I am learning that I need to hold on to those that make me feel good and important. I am learning to stand on my own, feeling things as they come. I am learning to accept that there are going to be things that are always going to be a part of who I am. There are going to be moments that bring me right back, and just being able to feel them and move past them will only do my heart good.
I am so tired of other people and their trauma's being ok because they are more socially acceptable. I am so sad that people choose not to acknowledge things outside of their comfort zone, which in turn makes things more difficult for me . I am tired of people whose words do not match their actions. I think at this point I am done with trying to fit in somewhere and just focusing on being the person that I am. I am crazy Callahan lover of whales. I believe that kindness changes everything, and I also have a trauma stamp that will never go away. I believe that there are good people in the world and I am lucky to have a few of them in my life. I think I am finally coming to a place where I don't care what others think. I will not pretend to be things that I am not, I will not be what other people want me to be. I have survived so much and that doesn't go away because it makes you more comfortable. Because all that's happened is a part of me. Those things are in my bones, my heart, my spirit and I won't shut up to make you comfortable. I will keep healing and keep speaking to heal to help to move forward in this life that is mine. I think in short it I am too much, if my honesty bothers you stay away. Things have happened I will always be affected, I will have bad days. But I also have great days. I have a trauma stamp, I do and mine is just as ok as yours.
This is one of those things that has broken and split my heart. I have thought about those little tad-poles more than I have ever thought about myself. I was so happy and content playing in that little creek. It seemed very steep and I am not sure how we got there. There were others that were playing near me, but I can't for the life of me tell you who they were. I was in my own little world, where all was well. I always had this ability to find those little things that made me happy, and that became all that mattered. This was one of those days. I sit here writing and can close my eyes and see it all, my little feet in the water, the creek totally covered by the shade of the huge trees along the bank. I am pretty sure my hair was in pig tails, this is one of the few times I remember wearing shorts. For that short time all was great playing with my tadpoles in that little creek, I am sure I was deep in conversation with them, placing them gently in that bucket, because that is just what I did.
I am not sure how Albert called me out of the creek, I remember putting my bucket down by the picnic table where Barbra Albert's mother was sitting. He was holding my hand and we were walking away. I was scared, I see it so clear and there was a fear I didn't know where we were going. The Red van was parked in a group of trees. Unbelievable the things that get burned into a little girls brain, my brain as things were happening. I can remember walking towards the van him holding my hand, my mind still with my tadpoles. I don't think I had a clue what was about to happen to me. The back doors of the van were open, and I could see the bean bags, he picked me up tossing me on them. He was not kind, he was rough, and mean. I remember the evil look on his face. After all this time almost 40 years later, I remember that look. He pulled my shorts and underwear off and he climbed into the back of the van, and that is the point that little Callahan comes in. I can remember being there, but not being there. I remember looking out the little side windows thinking why is this happening on such a beautiful day. I remember the greenness of the trees and the blueness of the skies. I can still see the sun shining through the branches, as he did what he wanted, as he raped my little body. And my only thought that I remember was, why is he doing this on such a beautiful day, like it would not have mattered on a different day. He was so angry with me, and I didn't understand why. He was so rough, really hurting me.
I remember him being done and he pulled up his pants, I can even remember him buttoning his pants and he told me to get dressed and go play. Everything was in slow motion, this time was different and the pain my little body was in was unimaginable. Of coarse I always did what I was told. I found my clothes and got dressed. I can remember being dizzy and struggling to stand up. My little legs were so shaky, I feel that, I remember how I was so hurt. I was alone and knew that there was no one to make me feel better. I just knew that I wanted to get back to my tadpoles. Just focus on something else and try to forget the pain.
I remember the exact second that I was finally dressed again standing there behind the van. My legs barely holding me up and I saw Albert and his mother sitting at the picnic table. I remember seeing my bucket and thinking I just have to get back over there so I can get to my tadpoles. My hips hurt so much, I felt like he was still hurting me. But I had to get those tad poles, they were my only focus, my only motivation to move. And time stood still and a part of me stayed right there by the van unable to move lost in a little body that was in unimaginable pain and was suffering more than I can even imagine, because my only thought was my tadpoles. Those little black tadpoles were all that mattered.
I made it to my tadpoles, the tears drying on my face. I held on to stone seat and Albert came over knocking my little bucket over. He knelled down telling me that next time I wouldn't fight so much and he began to step on my little tadpoles with his big black boots.. Again the tears began to flow, I just had to save them I just had to put them back in my bucket so that they could make it back to the creek. I tried so hard, but my little fingers couldn't pick them up fast enough. My only feeling was anger at myself for biting my nails and not being able to pick them up fast enough. And that has haunted me for years and years and years. I could not save those tadpoles, under his big black boots. I have been relentless blaming myself that I couldn't save them, I couldn't pick them up.
Those tadpoles have always been my focus. They were then and until now, that has been my focus. But in my heart that little girl that was brutally raped is still standing there by the van, legs barely holding her up trying to find a way to put one foot in front of the other. I left her there as I moved on to save the tadpoles and its about time that I move on to help her.
There is no way that I could have done anything different to save them. Bu there is a lot that I can do to help that sad hurt broken little girl today . Its more than hard focusing on her because I think that I have always seen what happened to her as not really being that important. The important part was saving those tadpoles. I vow and promise that from today on, I am going to help the little girl that was left behind. That little girl, little me, little Callahan that was forced in the back of a van raped and left. That is the little girl that needs me. She matters and she should never have had to endure what she did that day on her own. She never should have stood there wondering how to put one foot in front of the other and pretend that her body and mind were fine. She was not fine. She was not ok. She was injured, she was hurting and she deserved someone to take care of her. No 5 year old should ever have to know that pain and be left on their own. No little girl deserves or asks for those things to happen. I can no longer focus on those helpless tadpoles. I am grateful for them , my mind may have broken if it weren't for them. But now is the time I have to help that little girl , I have to help heal that little girl who has blamed herself all these years. Who has focused on saving those innocent little creatures and today I finally must focus on saving that little girl still standing dizzy by the van, legs shaking wondering what in the world is coming next. Well little one I am here and you are not alone. I am coming to help you. I am right here with you.
I can not for the life of me seem to watch this with out crying. I wish that I had known this with every bone in my body as a little girl, but I did not. I was not special; I was not important in any way. I often struggle when people tell me these things today. Somehow I struggle to give them a place in my brain, my heart. I think that I would have done anything when I was little to just mean something to someone, just be important enough for someone to notice, to help , to do something, to save me from my hell. There was a time when I knew that being important and special was not for me; that just wasn't an option. I was the gross and disgusting little girl who got excited picking out her dads shirt to wear. I was the outsider who saw everything in the world differently. Feeling loved and important was something for other girls other little girls that were all those things that I was not. Nothing I ever went through was enough, nothing was ever an emergency, nothing really mattered for one reason or the other. Either I was the chubby unpopular kid that no one could imagine anyone wanting to assault, I mean who would want to rape me right ?!? I was lying and just wanted attention.Oh that's totally me an attention whore. I was even at times, just nothing, I didn't matter, what happened to me didn't matter either, everyone just pretended that everything was fine. I learned rather quickly just smile and pretend that everything is fine. It's terrible when things are not fine, and everyone around you pretends that it is.
When I have felt like I mattered I don't have a clue what to do with it, I am often in a state of disbelief. I want to hear the words I want to believe it and take it on but the words that have been spoken, are so much of who I am. I can hear those words still past and present in my head and I struggle with being important and loved.
I can say that I do feel loved and safe and taken care of at times, but it is not something that I am comfortable with, it makes me feel needy and desperate. I often wonder if there will be any amount of kindness to fill that gaping hole that has been created. I was in my 20's before I had even one moment and felt like I was important that I meant something. When Det. Plemmons asked how I was, the world stopped, me? He was asking how I was ? I didn't have a clue, all I knew was to be fine. You just pretend that your heart isn't broken and keep moving forward. It's come to the point where I am tired of pretending. I am just going to let this broken heart bleed, and ooze and cry because maybe that is what its going to take to let the kindnesses that I have today sink in. To feel important and worthy, yo just wake up knowing that. Someday, someday I will feel those words in my bones and my heart will be full.