Sunday, January 26, 2025

Just Sprout


Just sprout
You have come so far
Far from that dark place and still so afraid
Just a small girl who wanted to love the world
13 years, so much you could have never known
but evil had a different plan
This way and that
Up and down
Evil was all around
at home, at school, at church
No one to help
No one to care 
They all watched a drowning girl and called it God
I am so sorry you were not seen, believed or taken care of
You learned to doubt your worth and believe in their cruel words
you become smaller and smaller trying not to be seen
But there was always you 
I saw you
that girl who believed in dandelion wishes
that girl who noticed the sway of a branch and 
the softest song of the smallest bird
you who just wanted to be loved for who she was
A girl who loved the little things and wished for a soft place to fall
So many tried to steal your spark
but you held on with all that you had 
I know you are tired, your heart feels heavy
I know that for you the entire world is terrifying and unsafe
Still today after all this time
I have to tell you
You are no longer alone
I have fought many battles and I am fighting for you
You deserve to be loved
You deserve to be safe
You deserve all the love and space and time 
to be exactly who you are
You amazing you is why I have to make a difference in the world
you deserved so much more
You try to stay so quiet, 
But you have a voice and it's ok to use it
You have a voice that I want to hear
You have a voice that is important and true
I am always here for all the words that are welling inside
Cry, feel , feel all that is inside, fight, do whatever it is you need
Always here and so proud that you are a part of me
I am you and you are me

I will always heart your heart. 

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