Oh, my heart. We watched this video today in my research class, and the tears started flowing. Grad school is a place that I never imagined that fills a part of me that I didn't know was empty. Grad school is something I wanted before I even knew why I wanted it. This is a calling, a passion. It's something that is so far beyond any words that I have. Someday I hope to find the words, they may come later after I have received that doctorate. Yet they may come before. They may come at a time when I least expect it, but I know they will come. I have come so far in this world, and as heavy as my heart still is at times, there is this desire to help people change and understand trauma and its impacts. I want to help others see the things that they can't even begin to imagine. There is this purpose, this meaning that grad school has given to the terrible, awful things that life has thrown at me. Life was not kind nor understanding. My life was cruel and unimaginable, yet I held on to the smallest speck of light for dear life. People survive life each and every day. Some just do it and move on. Some decide to scream at the world that we can do things better. I will write, I will share, and I will never stop speaking. People deserve better. Grad school satisfies a space in my heart that somehow soothes some of the pain. I will cry, find joy and feel every moment of this journey. There is nothing more that I want in this world, and nothing that will stop me.
I heart your heart
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