This year I am learning that no matter what I accomplish, or what goal that I reach it will not make my past go away. I think I am finally realizing that there are some things that are not going to be better, that I am not going to understand until my very last breath. Healing is not one single moment that will make all the pain go away its more of a process, that takes time, precious time. And I need to be gentle and give myself that. Once I graduated I thought somehow all the hurt and pain of my abuse was going to magically fade away and not bother me anymore, but that didn't happen. I thought once I started working in the classroom and was with my kids each day that the burden of my past would lessen , nope it didn't work. And people say you have to do the work to move past the past, I have done the work I have worked really really tremendously hard but STILL there is work to do. That makes me more than sad, makes me angry, but I know that I won't stop fighting. I am a fighter, I am a survivor and there is no giving up, there is no crawling in a hole until it all goes away, and I have said that many times in these last few months. I just want to curl up, crawl in a hole have some time to heal, scream from the mountain top for the world to stop then I can come back out, go back down the mountain and live the great life that I imagine for myself. Life doesn't allow for that, I can't hide, I have to live really live, pain and all. I heard a line in a movie today that was amazing : it takes a lot longer to put the pieces back together than it does for them to fall apart. Think about that....a huge fear of mine is that I will fall apart, I would rather do things differently than risk being in pieces. I am still terrified, close to death of some of those pieces. I know the work that is involved and what I am going to have to do, its going to suck; its going to be more than exhausting and painful but its going to be OK. It will be worth it and there will be more room for the love that I crave in this world. There are lots of things to feel and I need to get on that, I have to be willing to go there in order to be in a place where someday my past isn't a part of my everyday. I am realistic, I know that its never going to go ALL the way away, my story doesn't allow for that ,but I can't let it win either. I can not and will not let them, any of them take my happiness, and that means going to the hard places, and learning that I am not that stuck little kid anymore. I am truly a competent woman that can fight this, that I will never ever let anyone hurt me like that every again. I have to believe that I am not that scared person, who doesn't know what to do anymore. I have someone again who is willing to walk with me through this and I have to trust, that he won't let me get stuck, that he will gently, kindly, patiently help push me towards healing. It really is kind of amazing the thoughts that are still in my head, the things that I was taught to believe about others about myself that I still hold as truth. That is HUGE, that is where worth and trust and love and all those foundational things that we are taught early on that I have missed. I do believe I have been given a foundation by some amazing people, now I have to challenge some of the old thoughts and build myself as a whole person, not just pieces of me. I often feel like the scarecrow from the wizard of oz there are pieces of me over there and over there and still more over there that I can't reach at all. I want to feel like I am a whole complete person who is worth having people around, who is worth help, care ,kindness and dare I even write the words love. I am worth being loved. I am worth the good things in life, and I deserve to be happy. What?!? Did I just say that ?!? That is going to take time!!!! Not sure at this moment I believe those things but I am trying to learn how, I truly am. Those are the hard things, harder than you can ever imagine when your entire life you learned to hate yourself and not love. And that kind of hate is strong and stubborn. I have to remember I didn't get this way overnight and I won't magically be OK overnight no matter the amount of work that I do, its a process. Each day each year will be better than the last.

Things are changing looking for a job. I accepted the long term position in Little Elm and oh I loved the kids, I had already learned their names and was getting excited about the things that they were going to learn in the coming weeks. But something was missing. There is no future for me in that district, about every door that could be closed not only closed it slammed in my face and I was still trying still holding on. Until that night I realized, that by being there I was missing out on opportunities where I truly felt that I was supposed to be. So I sent a text. And I said I am so sorry I know that this is going to sound crazy have you filled the position ? We talked back and forth , she was getting excited, I was nervous, I couldn't believe I sent her the text,but it just felt so right. Its in a sped class that is going to be a challenge a huge challenge but its one of those things that is just right. They already had the position covered and they cancelled who they had to hire me, that says a lot, and I am more than grateful. And its less than two minutes from my house and will open different doors for me to be able to stand on my own two feet here before I decide to take the leap and follow my heart to be truly present in the everyday. I don't just randomly text out of the blue but I did and I got a job. And it's at the kids school , things just fell into place. I knew that taking the job was right in Little Elm it was a job and that is important but when this opportunity came up I just couldn't not take it knowing that this will show them who I am and what I am made of and the kind of teacher I am and the kind of person that I am to my very core. All good things. All great things.
I have learned many things these last few years and these last few months have been unbelievable. I have learned that I am more on my own than I would like but that there are also people who love me more than I could ever imagine possible. I have learned that I often keep myself away for fear of rejection for fear of getting too close for fear of someone truly seeing my heart. Fear kinda rules things and I am going to work on that. I am scared a lot of the time, I often forget where I have come from and just how far that I have come. 2014 was the most confusing, challenging, emotional, hurtful, eye-opening, unforgettable, amazingly unreal year in my life and I look to the new year following my heart, I can't afford not too. I am looking forward to finding my very own happiness in all the craziness of my journey.
Happy New Year. Here's to the most amazing year I have known. I heart your heart.
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