Friday, September 29, 2017

Do life

I hear people saying "do life together" and I think awe and part of that warms my heart and another part thinks yea right, that is something that is meant for others .  That is just my experience in life but to me this is what do Life with means :

To do life with me, you must be kind, you must be patient, you must be willing to listen and hear and understand and know that I will always do the same.

To do life with someone is sitting on the coach no words needed and being able to just be.  To do life is to have someone check on you when you know that you aren't ok

To do life means being able to cry and not be ok

To do life means being able to cry and laugh in the same hour

To do life means being able to share no matter how crazy that you might feel

To do life means someone ALWAYS being there

To do life means being there for the important things

To do life means that sometimes no words are needed

To do life means someone showing up ans telling you to get up that its ok to have fun

To do life means you don't have to do your hair

To do life means always checking making sure their heart is ok

To do life means that you are open honest and  including

To do life means that that your little quirks are known and ok

To do life means a lot of laughing 

To do life with me means devotion

How I am left.  I just want to do do life with others I do.
To do life with me means  friendship

To do life with me means I will be a forever

To do life with me I love giving friend presents

To do life with me, I will be forever

To do life with me I will care for your heart

To do life with me,  I will put you first

To do life with me I take care of you

To do life with me I LOVE with all that I am and ask the same. 

To do life with me you will be surprised, loved, valued, you will laugh lots, you will be valued, you will be heard  and I ask that you just be gentle with my sometimes fragile heart. I will give it all and just want to make sure that there is heart left when you decide to leave.

Tracy Chapman  :Devotion 

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