10:00 am April 22 2004 Mariska Anne was born. 5lbs 9 oz.
10:02 April 22 2004 Vincent Guy was born 6lbs 4 oz.
And nothing would ever be the same.
And I would never stop smiling.
There are so many moments that stand out, that made the three of us quite the family. We have something the three of us that no one can ever understand that is ours just ours and I love that. Many won't understand my protectiveness or my worry and that's ok. I am sure that I do things differently and that's ok. That makes us US and I have no complaints.
Sweet Mariska Anne you are my heart. .You are so much like me in so many ways. You have a heart and and a way about you that is contagious. You read like no one I have ever known. You are spunky, clever and kind. You sit back and observe no matter what you do. You and I are two peas in a pod really, so much alike we often can just look at each other with no words and thats all that is needed. You are strong and make me proud to be your mom. You are so stinking smart I can't believe it and you don't have to try its just that you ARE !! I mean come on who gets a 98 in French. High School chick I can not believe it. I hope that we always keep laughing and that we always talk. I hope we laugh more and always take my hand for that extra squeeze. You are much like your mom and my hope for you is that you are more open to the world sometimes. I want the best things for you, and I look forward to the most amazing year ahead of you, as a high school freshman. Always be you and don't change for others, because you sparkle and if they can't take that sparkle then they don't belong with you .
Oh My sweet sweet Vincent. You are my heart . You have a heart of gold, you see all the injustices of the world and want to make things better. You get in there and get your hands dirty. You are so respectful and kind, you will do anything for anyone not thinking twice. You are going to do amazing things I am sure and I am lucky enough to say thats my son. You worry about me more than I would like , I promise you I am fine. You always make me laugh the most, and drive me crazy. You see great things in the world and want to accomplish so much. You are going to be in high school, You are going to be a Academy Titan. OH MY HEART . You have a natural caring that I love, you want to make things easier and better for everyone. I know that you are going to do amazing things. I feel like we always have to fight for the things that we want and I hope that someday things will come easier. You my Vincent are so amazing and though you get on my nerves at times I believe I just want you to be one of the good guys , I look forward to all the things that this year will hold for you. I will try to let go a little more, TRY being the world. I know you are smart and kind and make good choices. You got this and I have your back always.
Yes, you two are my inspirations you keep me going, keep me breathing. You make me fight for my students and want to be better. You make me want to believe in this crazy world. So lets keep going there are so many wonderful amazing crazy things ahead of us and I am so looking forward to each and every one with the both of you.
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