-Little girl speak
“And every time she closes her eyes, she relives it, all over again. Be kind to the souls, who have survived. You can’t imagine what it feels like, to live inside their head.”
-Little girl speak
I know, that you had to become a child warrior, even though it’s not something, that you would ever possibly choose. But I, am doing everything now, within my power; to make things right. I am fighting this battle, for you.”
-Little girl speak
“I know it hurts deeply. And nothing can erase all the damage they’ve done. But you shaped yourself, into a force to be reckoned with. And nothing can take away your fierceness, or this warrior you’ve become. So go and slay your demons, little brave. The battle, is already won.”
-Little girl speak
“Like a bird on a wire I am fiercely inspired to balance myself and my soul. I am going to win this come hell or high water. I’m not backing down; won’t let go.”
-Little girl speak
And I have leaned to make far too much sense, out of tragedies. I have justified all of the darkness you held, but I cannot wrap my mind around what it all means. What does the cold hard truth, say about me? Am I nothing more than a pushover? Nothing more than the bones of a frail little girl, who’s lived her whole life afraid? At the end of the day, are these wounds that I’ve self inflicted, any better or worse than the wounds you have made? And what can be said of our story? I never wanted your history to be entangled with mine. I will forever bear the weight of these things that you’ve done to me. I will carry this damage, for the rest of my life. Most days it feels like I’m drowning; like someone keeps shoving my head under water, expecting that I can keep breathing. I push myself harder and harder to swim; to not reach out for help; to not get lost in the nothingness. Some days it feels like I’m floundering; like I’m out here all alone. No safe place to plant my feet on the ground; no place to call my home. A vagabond, with walls so paper thin. A prisoner of a war, that never should have been. You raped the soul of a seven year old girl. You snuffed out her innocence; you obliterated her world. And you get to be free, while she’s still here drowning; while she’s gasping for air, as she fights to keep breathing. Some days her heart has to fight so damn hard, in order to just keep beating. You got all the freedom. No scary dark and sleepless nights. You abused and you raped, in this war you have waged. She’ll be fighting your darkness, for the rest of her life.”
-Little girl speak
Sometimes these doors still don’t seem to make sense, long after we’ve pried them open. But we owe it to ourselves, to make sense of this darkness; to find the truths that make us fierce, and own them.”
-Little girl speak
It’s haunting, isn’t it? The way, they can just pass you by, as if you’re a stranger, when they know your story; when they’ve seen the many tears, that you’ve worked so hard, to allow yourself, to cry. It cuts like a knife, when they minimize this hell, that you’ve been through. When they choose, to not look, inside your ocean eyes. But you must know, somehow by now, that the problem, isn’t you. They don’t know how, to handle your agony; they cannot comprehend, such horrific abuse. And I’m so sorry, that the coping skill they’ve chosen, is to make you feel distanced, and rejected; abandoned, and without a home. But you have to understand, they don’t know how, to handle your pain. This is the hardest part, of the healing process; when it feels, like you’re left in the darkness, alone.”
-Little girl speak
“She found herself in places, that she couldn’t escape from. In horrible situations, beyond her worst imaginations. He did things to her, that no human being should do, to another. He was a grownup man, with grownup skin. And she was tiny, and frail. Nothing more than a frightened, and scared little girl. But something happened to her, in that darkness. In that place where nothing good, ever seemed to grow. She discovered a resilience, that was buried deep inside her. A mighty warrior was developing, from deep within her bones. For she was becoming a fighter. She was harnessing her power. There was such an inner strength, about her; the likes of which this world, had never truly known.”
-Little girl speak
“Are you seriously asking me why I’m so angry? Are you that freaking clueless? Do you really want to keep making me feel like I’m nothing? Like I’m worthless? You were the one who abandoned me. You left me there alone, to fend for myself in the dark. And now you can’t stand the sight of me; the aftermath of the storm that YOU created. The rage that has grown so big, and is so deeply rooted inside my shattered heart.”
-Little girl speak
She was the weird girl, who sang dark songs. While the other little girls were outside and playing, she was etching her pain onto walls.”
-Little girl speak
“I have been to such dark places, that you would never understand. I’ve held onto such depravity, in the palm of my small hands.”
-Little girl speak
You can’t break a girl, who’s already broken. She’s got nothing left, to lose. But if she is brave enough, to rip her wounds wide open; she can heal. It’s always been up to her. All she has to do, is choose. She has to find the strength, to bet on herself. For when she finally does, she can’t lose.”
-Little girl speak
For you cannot stop the light, any more than you could stop the dark. The tides are changing. The sun will rise. And I promise, you’ll stop falling apart.”
-Little girl speak
“Some day you will learn how to scale these mountains, that you never thought you could climb. One day you’ll look back into your rear view mirror, and realize you’ve left the past behind.”
-Little girl speak
Darkness all around her. Curled up in the smallest way. No light could get in. There were only small cracks inside of that space. But she could feel herself changing. Somehow deep down, she knew that she would be alright. Then all of a sudden, she felt strength and power beginning to engulf her. She burst open that cocoon, and took flight.”
-Little girl speak “And you will weather these storms inside of you. Somehow you will learn how to swim. You will become so strong and impenetrable, that no one can ever drown you again.” -Little girl speak |
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