Sunday, September 29, 2019

The times I am most amazed

Today was one of those days, one of those weeks, and one of those  months.Its been a few really hard weeks.  Lots of feelings lots of things going on and I have felt every emotion and look and judgement that has come my way. I feel like I am different, I am hard to love and even think  I am realizing that some of the things meant for other people in life are not meant for me.  I think there is a reason that I fight , that I fight until there is nothing left of me.  I fight so hard Because I truly think that I believe in my bones that many good life things are not meant for me, so I must fight for others.  I will keep fighting for others so that they can know and feel the things that are not meant for me.  I feel too damaged to different, I am so much of an outlier,  So I think I hold on so tight,  to make sure that I never forget all those feelings, like that would even be an option, to give others all the things that I am not sure are meant for me.    I fight so hard to make sure that others don't have to feel the things I feel so deep.  I am not even sure if this makes sense but it does to me.  I have a list of things I desperately want even need  that could encompass the globe but yet think for me its impossible.  Impossible for someone to truly love all the pieces of me.  I am not saying that I have given up for me,  the things that keep me going are the things I fight so that others will never know the deepest of sadness, and the horror of horrors.  That is why I fight.  So no person that I am involved with ever feels alone.  That is why I fight. 

Things I know things I have felt, things I hope to feel someday . 
A post about my someday and maybe even hopefully. 
These things are my heart.
And I don't know where to go from here.
I heart your heart . 

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