There are things in this life that no person should ever have to experience. I have spent my entire life trying to run from those things trying to ignore them, and pretend that I was fine. I have felt parts of them and banished the rest. Today that is an issue because there are parts of me lost back there, that don't even know its over. . There is a part of me that is so afraid; she refuses to even open her eyes and see the light. She is just that afraid. I am not sure you can understand that kind of terror. All these years later and I am terrified. The things that I am facing are things that I fear will be the end of me, I worry that I am not strong enough. I worry that somehow that time is going to be the death of me. Thinking about that time is crushing, being 13 carries a certain weight that takes my breathe away. So much was taken. So much was destroyed. Things were broken inside my heart and mind that I am not sure I will ever get back. Having a kind father to keep me safe and protected, never had that. Having a family where I felt loved and valued ; I never got to experience that either. There are parts of me that still hold all the things that 13 year old Sherri did, and there are days that is so confusing.
Sunday, June 27, 2021
Broken Soul
Saturday, June 26, 2021
Those Parts Make me UNLOVABLE
The only thoughts that I keep thinking is that no one is ever going to love me. I feel like saying the things that I don't have words for is in a way a type of death sentence. I fear saying the things that I run from, I fear that somehow getting close to that big black wall trying to save that 13 year old girl is something that I am not sure I am ready for. And at the same time, I am not sure that there is any other choice. I fear that this is going to be the death of me. I fear that I am not strong enough to help her. I fear that once I am able to reach out and she is able to reach back its going to be a connection like nothing I have ever known and that is terrifying. I fear that once I can finally connect to her that sadder than sad is going to be so big and so overwhelming that I won't be ok. Maybe this is the thing that I can't heal from, maybe this is one of those things meant to be buried and kept quiet to violent and too awful to be spoken about. I can do my art journals to convey the violence but to put a person in that, to know that those pictures that are so devastating were things that happened to me . To know that things were so violent and unimaginable my mind kept me safe by basically turning my mind off and moving into the black. I am not sure that there are many people that can understand that. To know that something was so horrific my mind went black, the weight of that . That is a realization that I know somewhere in my head. But I am not sure that my heart can deal with that reality. Even the real words were spoken and my heart skips a beat, somehow if I just don't breathe when those words are said then somehow they don't pertain to me. If I can not deal with that reality , I can not ask another human to ever hear what happened and hold me and love me. There are so many parts and pieces to my life and for a big part of them I have been able to speak and given them words but this wall, this time, those things I am so afraid. The hurt is too much; the humiliation so devastating that there will be no coming back. I fear somehow getting lost in that black wall, I fear that my mind will turn my world black again merely to survive and I am so afraid of getting lost there. Even back then all those years ago I was grateful when I went away when everything had a darkness that was so far away from what was happening. Then the times I would come out of it and had to experience what was happening to me. The confusion, the pain, the lack of understanding, the absolute fear that I was going to die. There are no words for that. I was nothing, I was just parts and pieces and nothing I did mattered. I sit here almost frozen, not even understanding the feelings or emotions, and I want to so much. There is a need to open this well to talk about it to figure it out, to shed this skin that was there, to shed every part of me that was touched and robbed of so much because of them. As much as I want to be free of this, the pain inside is vicious and the voices of those around me blaming and shaming is still so loud. They said it was my fault, and yet in the same breathe said I was lying. I hear their words and lack of comfort or support and think I must have done something terrible to deserve such hatred. I spoke, and was hated for it. I spoke and was blamed. I spoke and fingers were pointed. I spoke and was met with such horridness that I just wanted to die. I never felt loved during that time; supported or cared for. My body was black for weeks, I just wasn't important enough for people to see. I took too much time and energy to be important and to be heard. Speaking up for me would have meant that adults take responsibility, no one was willing to do that. I meant nothing and was unworthy of care, unworthy of the most basic needs like safety and protection. Even afterwards and I used my voice to speak, no locks were changed, no furniture removed, not one thing changed. I was so alone and failed by far too many people. I still carry this time with me like it happened yesterday. I see the pictures, I feel the ache, I hear the sounds, I remember so many little things, and yet there are chunks buried deep. The nightmares are as if its happening all over again. I remember the warm sun and laying by the back door, I was literally somewhere else. I remember Andy telling them to stop and thinking that finally my hell was over. I remember Andy pretending and telling me it was ok, he wouldn't hurt me. I remember the fan, watching the blades spin, thinking that each turn would be their last. I remember saying their names, over and over as some kind of reassurance that I was real. Don, Chris Steve, mike and Andy. I wanted them to stop, I wanted them to acknowledge that I was a person. I wanted them to stop, I told them over and over. I begged and it did no good. I remember thinking I just wanted to fix the pillows. Make everything around me perfect. I can still hear them laughing and chanting, I was the joke. I remember thinking that I asked for this. I remembered kissing Don before we left that weekend and feeling those butterflies. I remember thinking this must be what I was good for. I am not sure that I can save any part of me from this. This is all easier when I see this as happening to the 13 year old, someone else, anyone other than me. I can no longer leave her alone to suffer, and wonder what that means for my fragile heart.
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
I have to reach her
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Sometimes the road just ends
And then I heard this line : Sometimes the road just ends.
And that line hit me like a ton of breaks.
Sometimes The Road just ends.
I can think that most situations in my life, the road has just ended. When I am no longer useful, when I no longer just smile and agree when I have a voice and use it, my usefulness has ended and I am swept away in my own tears that no one ever notices. All too often with no rhyme or reason I am just left behind, in the blink of an eye.
In so many aspects of my life, the road has just ended with people and I am left wondering what in the world happened and why was I left again. And I used to fight, I to often tried to hold on. But why ? Why try when their road has ended including me and I am doing everything that I can to keep building that same road that we were once on together .
I am done trying to be the only one building. I am done.
Even now I find myself writing a sentence or two then stopping because their are no words. I can't find the words to describe how things have worked for me. I can honestly say that I pretty much expect that I am going to get left. There is that hope that someday I am going to find people that are mine just as much as I am theirs. I can say that about the people in DC. I can say that about some of the people I have worked with and maybe two others. So in many aspects, I am lucky. It's the people in my everyday that I more that miss. The people that I can count on, no matter the level of sadness.
I think at this time in my life I have to learn that sometimes the road just ends. Sometimes, people will not take your side, sometimes I will not be fought for. Sometimes I will be discarded with yesterdays news and there is not a single thing that I can do about that. I have to learn that I am not valued how I value others. I am not a person for people to call their own. That is just heartbreaking. All I want in this life is to be someone's person as much as they are mine, ad know it will always be so.
Thursday, June 17, 2021
I get to fill in the pieces
Friday, June 11, 2021
Week full of Rememberances
If there is one more thing this week that is a
As if I don't have enough reminders in my every day this week they have been added ten fold, and I am beyond words.
The contractor that is coming for the carpet, his name is Andy. And I struggle and I question was Andy the good guy that I thought he was ?
I have two students in my Summer school class whose name is Isabella. There is a pain every single time I say her name. She is soft spoken and missing her two front teeth, she isn't quite sure of herself, but her smile brightens everything around her.
People are in and out, I am barely breathing and no one notices a thing.
There is no understanding and I am left to do it all on my own. But I am breaking.
I am laughed at and mocked , when I can't stop from shaking, and the words come out like a round of bullets. My voice gets louder and I repeat myself because no one seems to be hearing or listening that the things going on are not ok. I desperately want them to understand and tell me that the things going on are not ok. But no one tells me a thing, I am left alone trying to stand up for what is right, and second guessing every decision that I am making.
I am breaking, cracking at the seams
I am seen as one who is over-reacting, and excuses are made for each and every bad behavior,
I am so confused and wonder why what they have done is excused,
I find myself saying over and over this isn't ok thinking maybe one time, just one tim someone will say you are right....
This Is Not OK.
I often wonder what will happen when this back is broken and unable to carry even another ounce of weight
Because you see I keep going I keep going that is what I do, I wonder about the day when that is no longer an option
I say well if you aren't dead yet you are good, you are fine ?! I mean right; the world is ending but hey I am fine, I am just overreacting
I'm fine, oh I'm fine, hey I'm fine but I am not
That seems like what I am meant to do
But I fear the day that I can no longer do all the things that I am meant too ?
I fear the day when one more fucking excuse is going to be the end
There is no real support, no one to take my side, no one to stand behind me .
Just the smirks, the giggle, the talking to them like I am the one that is crazy.
Today the tears came and I was shaking and my cares and concerns aren't taken seriously in my home
Today I am more than tired of fighting. Sometimes more often I wish that some things could just go easy, go as planned and be simple.
I am not asking for a golden path, I am not asking for anything to be handed to me on a silver platter
I am simply asking for care, kindness and even respect. I am asking for people to honor my feelings.
I am asking to be heard, and even seen. Those are the things that I am asking.
I am asking for a break for a reprieve, I am asking for help navigating all the things that I do not know.
I am asking that someone take my fucking side with out having to fight for it with in an inch of my very
Thursday, June 10, 2021
Adrift : Mark Nepo
Sunday, June 6, 2021
Even when My eyes are open
Sleep is unbelievably hard to come by. Afternoon naps in my chair are a time I can peacefully fall asleep. No darkness, no fear of my bed; just a time to rest. I look forward to these and if even for a short time feeling well rested and ready for anything.
But this afternoon there was nothing restful and it was the kind of sleep where you wake up and feel like you got hit by a mack truck. The kind of sleep where the dreams are so terrible that even when you wake up its like they aren't over. Even though your eyes are open, and you know that those things aren't happening, it affects you. Your heart is still pounding in your chest and it literally feels like you are back in the dream and you are having to fight for your life. It was like that this afternoon. It literally took hours to shake the feeling that something terrible was going to happen. And now it is already after midnight. My eyes are burning I am achy and there is no way that I am going to try to lay down and get some sleep. I fear that when I do, I am going to be right back where the dreams this afternoon left off.
Welcome to a day in my life.
Friday, June 4, 2021
The lonely Three