Thursday, August 31, 2017

No, All SIN Is Not the Same

This has bothered me for a long time.  And I recently saw an article about Josh Duggar and I couldn't even get through it.  No, not all sin is the same.  I have heard people say sin is sin in the eyes of God.  And I honestly do not know where to go with that.  For me not all sin is the sin, not all sin destroys and tears at your soul. NOt all sin kills parts of you that you an never get back For me sin involving children is the worst kind.  I can not compare myself to Josh Duggar and think oh we are both sinners we are in the same boat.  WE ARE NOT.  When you make the choice to hurt a child to steal their innocence to take parts of them that they can never get back, that is  unforgivable. NO sin is not sin and it is not all the same.

I am going to have to live with the sin of others the things that were done to me the rest of my life.  There is no going back no getting back the things that I never even knew I was supposed to have...  So many thing in this life i never knew were my right just because I was a living breathing person.  As a little girl there were no rights for me, there was no father figure, there was no safety and no protection no one to keep me safe no one to hold me through the storms I was on my own.  And because of the way that I was brought up, no not all sin is the same.

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