Friday, July 26, 2024

Thy Olympics and Milestones


I always get excited, emotional and sentimental when it's time for the Olympics. All the time and energy that these athletes have put in, I feel it.  The hours and hours of sacrifice and training all comes to this stage to show everyone what they are made of. I watched a documentary on Simone Biles and it was fantastic!   Her journey her trials and where she is now!   It was inspiring, and honest. She has fought and worked so hard to be where she is.  Watching it was perfect timing as my own milestones have become clearer and clearer.  When things were at their hardest, it was the Olympics that gave me hope and helped me see the light.  When I didn't really have a home and was living somewhere; where I wasn't wanted the Olympics were on.  I can remember watching and crying about where I would be the next time that they were on. I can remember the exact place that I was sitting, and I said out loud to the kids, just imagine the next Olympics we will be in our own home. I am sure that I probably cried. And just like that I was in my own home, the next time that they were on.  I remember sitting on that red couch thinking about that exact day when I wasn't wanted and didn't have a place to call my own.  I smiled and tried oh so hard to be happy, for my children.  My heart was crushed and more than defeated. I was working so hard and finishing school to be a teacher.  It was one of those big once in a lifetime milestones.  Today I can hold that and see how far that I have come since all those years ago. Today I find myself in a similar situation, only I am in my own place, but this year that light, that milestone ahead of me is grad school.  This time it's for my career. This time, it's to make my heart happy following a dream that I have always had.  The next time that I watch the opening ceremonies I will have my master's degree and be working on my LPC. I will be guiding and companioning others on their journey helping them finding their own hope and light. How exciting is that. I am not sure I can put into words what that truly means.  I watched part of the opening ceremony today; 2024 Paris Olympics.  The look of awe on the athletes faces, those ever-present rays of hope that could be seen in all their eyes. It was beautiful and magnificent.  Tonight, Mariska and I will watch when she gets off of work.  I think that there is a part of myself that is so very grateful that I never gave up in this life. Back then all I wanted was my own safe place to be, to feel just to be home with no worry of someone telling you they didn't want you there anymore.  Today I have that.  I am here and as I look around; I am proud because I have done this.  I have worked, cried. laughed, healed and learned and I am here in my own safe place doing the things that make me happy.

    I heart your heart

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