I am a spiritual person. I believe in the clouds and the trees and the birds. Those are the things that have been there for me. Those are the things that have kept me alive. I remember when I moved a lady was helping me pack and she said wow you have a lot of Buddha's. I said yes, they are peaceful and kind. I told her that when I had nothing and no one that it was a support for me. I got the side eye, and she didn't care. I get strength from nature around me, from being a good person who is real and true.
I once asked if the Dalai Llama was going to hell. I basically got a yes if he didn't believe in God. That didn't sit well with me, I argued, that a man who is called the happy laugher who wants nothing more than peace is going to hell, that is something I can not get my head around. Again I asked if my father was going to get into heaven, and there was lots of excuses and talk about forgiveness and again I got a yes. Without hesitation or second thoughts, if heaven was a place that he was going to be then I wanted nothing to do with it. They tried to talk me out of that thought, saying that things were different, there wasn't the same burdens that were here on earth. I said no, if someone can do all those evil things and go to heaven, those are not things that I want to believe in.
I grew up in a church where I was afraid. I was exposed to things that were not explained, and I was even laughed at for being afraid. I grew up seeing the people who raped me receive communion. I grew up seeing so much hurt and hypocrisy that I wanted nothing to do with such things. I saw people who pretended to be this holy people and then I saw how they treated others. I say people saying words and then doing the opposite. This was not something that I ever want to be a part of.
My parents were a part of I guess the charismatic movement as a little girl , I was terrified. Speaking in tongues praying over people , people screaming and crying those things are terrifying to a child, not once was I thought about or cared for. For so long I tried to fit into that world, with those people . I tried with all that I am to fit in and understand but once again seeing peoples words and actions not match, I just would not even try anymore. I was so vulnerable and true and not one person was able to stick around, hear my fears and walk with me. I could give you a list of people I reached out to and I was let down by every single one of them. And for all of those people I will never reach out again. I am different. I do not go with the flo, I don't believe because you say I should or you want me too.

Yes, the word Religion has damaged me in this life, my heart was crushed by that small word and I will never let that word make me feel small and less than ever again. As for God I don't know, there are still many questions to be asked and i have yet to find the person strong enough to answer those questions.
I heart your heart
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