Sunday, August 18, 2024

I am not everyone's cup of tea

  I need to realize that I am not everyone's cup of tea! I think too much, I dream way more than I should. There is no casual conversation with me, I am all in or not at all. I want to change how people see the world and how they treat others. I have a passion to make a difference in this lifetime. That just has to be ok. If people think I am too much or too intense, they can continue on their journey. I just cannot be anything other than who I have fought to become. I want so much for everyone to see things how I do and to do things different. The truth is not everyone is ready or able to do that. I just have to hold on and hope that maybe maybe I was able to plant some kind of small seed that will impact them later in their own journey. That is a huge piece to understand.

I heart your heart.

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