Sunday, August 4, 2024

The right road


Life is crazy, amazing, terrible, tragic, overwhelming and insanely miraculous all in the same breath. I am sitting in a conference this morning, listening to a speaker who is sharing his findings, his research and leaning into what he knows of those things through his own personal experiences. There is nothing more powerful than when a person can bring their own personal experiences into the topic that they are presenting. 

I am sitting here, with so many thoughts flying through my brain.  I am also sitting here, with this sense of contentment and peace that I know I am on the right road and doing exactly what I need to be doing. There is a part of me that feels I am so out of my league.  All of these professionals then there is me.  I am just a survivor; I am just this I am just that. I have all of these dismissive thoughts, like who am I to share.  At the same time there is this realization and awakening almost that I have so many things to share that are really important.  I want to be able to sit in the room, feeling like I belong there that I know what I am talking about. I have a lot of really important things to say, and I want to be taken seriously. 

Before the presentation began Becky came up to me talking about a possible opportunity in doing a presentation at the Dallas Museum of Art!   Shut the front door, how do I even control the awesomeness of that. That someone thinks I can do a good enough job.  For someone to believe that art is that important, and something worth being presented and people coming to learn is more than awesome.  

I can say without a doubt that Trauma support Services has my heart and the things that they do for people are things that can literally change the world, and I am more than lucky that I can be a small piece of that. I am sitting her and there are so many thoughts.  

So much feels so right.  For the first time in a long time I feel like I am on the right road heading in the right direction.  I have choices to make and directions that need to be confirmed, this is where I was meant to be.  I am surrounded by people who have dreams and desires to make the world different and that means the world.  I am going to hit road bumps but I am truly truly doing what I am passionate about and working towards the things that are truly a soul calling for me.  It's hard to imagine that things could be so amazing, and I sit here hand on my heart in awe that wow there are things on the horizon for me that are the things of dreamers.  I look forward to each and every one of those things happening for me.  This Callahan is going to make a difference, I will not stop until survivors are given all the care in the world that they deserve.  It feels amazing to be on a road that was meant for me.  

I heart your heart 

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